^ Agreed.
Now, I know that I haven't been here long, so my say probably isn't as "important" than some others, but from what I've seen, I think I can sum up why some may think this forum has lost its way.
First of all, limitation. It's not one of the major ones, but as good of a band as Opeth is, you can only really talk about them for so long. If you could talk about more than just Opeth in this forum (I do understand that there is another forum or subforum for this, but I think that just separates the forum members into two groups, instead of combining them). If there were to be a more varied collection of topics (ones that didn't always relate to Opeth), you could have an easier time finding a thread that is enjoyable to participate in.
Second of all, fighting. THIS is the major one. Almost every damn thread I've been in has some sort of argument in it. How the hell do you plan enjoying a thread if you shoot it down before it has a chance to truly lift off? Nothing kills a thread like an argument, and too many can kill a forum. Who wants to create a thread with the high probability that it's just going to get shot to hell?
I'm sure the flood of "newbies" that don't really have much to say other than "I love Opeth!", "Do you all love Opeth?", and "Do you all love Opeth more than I love Opeth?" fuels some of the hate that you all seem to have, but keep in mind that they WILL either go away, or mold to make more intelligent sentences. There's only so many times that you can say you love Opeth before it gets repetitive. So be patient!