Hate Band Deathroll

@Bobvex: Uh, OK, I'm going to get paid for having a good reputation? I have two green reputation points and two red. Oh, the good ones are for this post! I should do more like this... What about "let's make fun of one person on UM?". Anyway... thanks for giving me rep :) :) :)

Mmmmm, let's blame somebody... I think I will do it later on, I don't have any ideas now.
@Torgoth: no, i don´t know Forseti...btw, i haven´t said that i hate ALL folkmusic...i only hate german folkmusic, but i love irish and scandinavian folkmusic :)

oh, i fogot: i hate rap and hiphop shit, too!!!
Blame..blame.. oh! What a shame - Germany is a country that was known for it's fine Teutonian Metal, but nowadays we only export the fatal: Hiphop. @_@ So for Christmas I wish me the death of thee, HipHopper-gays. And the Death of wannabe-rockers/punks/musicians. Avril was mentioned often enough, so... Die P!nk, Die Christian Death Metal-Bands and - of course - die, Pharell Williams or better to say "Mr. So-called Producer Genius that makes Pop sound even WORSE then before and has the gayest 'Rock'-music project ever".
What's iskelmä??????????????????????????????????????????????

I said it once and I'll say it again: BOHLEN. MUST. DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE.
:Puke: :Puke: :Puke: