
Life Sucks

and then you die
Dec 30, 2002
Die bitch die!!!!!
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Anyone else like them? Yeah, their music is simple, but they are definitely not mallcore - they are a hardcore band and a good one at that. By no means have they sold out, by the liner notes to their latest CD you can tell that in their hearts they are still a part of the underground hXc scene.
Just because their music isn't technical and complex, or doesn't have wide range power metal style vocals doesn't mean Hatebreed are shit. They aren't metal and don't try to be metal, they are a hardcore band. Hardcore is for the most part simple and straightforward. I love the anger and aggression in their music, and it is very catchy too. And I can actually relate to some of their lyrics as well. I'd take Hatebreed over any soft emocore band like Poison The Well any day. Hatebreed are pure, angry hardcore, untainted by any emo influence, like so many hardcore bands seem to be these days. I actually don't like many hardcore bands, but I like Hatebreed.
Poison the Well is so far beyond the level of Hatebreed that it is pathetic. Hatebreed is simplistic, moronic music for thick-headed jocks who don't care about such things as variety, dynamics, lyrical content, songwriting, or complexity of ANY sort in music. Once you've heard one Hatebreed song you have heard them all, their music is mostly just one big very repetitive breakdown. They are the absolute WORST in the hardcore scene and actually FAR WORSE than nu metal in their complete simplicity. They are stupid music for stupid people, plainly spoken. Poison the Well, on the other hand, is a very dynamic and evolving band who constantly changes themselves to stay ahead of the pack and in doing so pave new roads and do so with a much keener sense of variety. Also, their lyrics don't suck. Their vocalist has the best yell / roar in the scene too, as well as the best clean vocals. Poison the Well rules, Hatebreed doesn't by any means.
Fuck Poison The Well. Fuck all these emo-metalcore bands like them, Haste and their ilk. They're all so annoying with those pansy ass pop punk like vocals. I love my metalcore to just be heavy and I like them incorporating melodic/Gothenburg death metal into their songs but I cant stand those emo vocals. I am no Hatebreed fan but I would rather listen to Hatebreed than that fucking band. I like some Hatebreed songs but all they do is play powerchords and do hardcore yells.
Hatebreed, Candiria, and Shai Hulud are the only hardcore bands I like. All of those bands are heavy as fuck, and don't have gay lyrics about their ex-girlfriends. But when I listen to Hatebreed, I don't listen because I want to hear technical genius in the music, I listen for the raw anger and aggression in the music. If I want tech, I'll listen to some death metal like Decapitated, Nile, or Suffocation.
Nobody mentioned tech. I just mentioned the fact that their songs are beyond simple and very homogenous. You can have variety and some degree of complexity without technicality.

Candiria are good, but Hatebreed and Shai Hulud both suck.

Listen to the song Death to Traitors from Beloved, you might enjoy that one. It has lyrics like:
"we were born for battle, without vision we will die" so it's not about ex-girlfriends or relationships at all, and it rules. The first and last minute of the 6 minute songs are more mellow than the middle four minutes, so expect that.
Never heard of Beloved. I'll check them out. With the ex-girlfriend comment, I meant the general lyrical emo influence in modern hardcore that has gotten to bands like Poison The Well and Converge. I HATE lyrics about girlfriends, they are so not \m/. I used to be more into hardcore bands, like Warzone, Cause For Alarm, Strife, Sick Of It All, Snapcase, etc., but they just don't do it for me anymore for some reason, but not because they are even more simple than Hatebreed. Hatebreed actually have some lyrics I can really relate to, like: "Once and for all take control of the future, And not let it control what I aspire to have, I see where my decions have brought me, What's done is done and it's time to start again..."
Biohazard is infinitely better than Hatebreed. They can do something other than yell and play powerchords. They got some variety in their songs and their vocals are a lot better. I seen them live and it was great :).

Shai Hulud is some good hardcore.

Candiria do some very good, odd experimental hardcore.

Madball plays pretty basic hardcore like Hatebreed but I find them to be a lot better than them.

I like some hardcore because they do have a lot of energy which heavy metal sometimes lack. A lot of metallers look down at it but they dont give credit hardcore for bringing thrash metal up.
MURAI said:
Biohazard is infinitely better than Hatebreed. They can do something other than yell and play powerchords. They got some variety in their songs and their vocals are a lot better. I seen them live and it was great :).

Shai Hulud is some good hardcore.

Candiria do some very good, odd experimental hardcore.

Madball plays pretty basic hardcore like Hatebreed but I find them to be a lot better than them.

I like some hardcore because they do have a lot of energy which heavy metal sometimes lack. A lot of metallers look down at it but they dont give credit hardcore for bringing thrash metal up.
Older Biohazard is good, but the newest CD is almost nu metallish. And Shai Hulud kick ass. They are my favorite hardcore band. I love the depressive atmosphere in their sound. Candiria are very good as well, and but sometimes get kind of wierd, and I'm not the biggest fan of their rap passages. Madball is ok. They are no more complex than Hatebreed are, and I think I like Hatebreed better for some reason.