Have your religious/spiritual beliefs changed in the past year?

How have your religious or spiritual beliefs changed in the past year?

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I just feel in the context of this topic, that a philosophy without a spiritual connection of some kind is pointless. I respect some people follow that, thats fair enough, but I don't agree with it.

Anyhow, just my opinion, I don't want to get into a flame war over it. :)
Saying the universe has always existed is a little misleading. It has existed for ~14 billion years, but that is the only time that has ever existed. There was never a time before that when there was no universe.

I'm interested in a theory that says that the universe lives in an expansion-contraction cycle, where it expands from a singularity (Big Bang), reaches a certain point where it cools (Heat Death) and then contracts back into a singularity (Big Crunch) which expands again into a new universe. So saying there's no time before our universe is assuming that (1) there was no universe before this one and (2) no other universes exists.

But this isn't quite relevant to the topic. I'm starting a new thread.
Final Fantasy 7-ism.

Never played that game (heard it sucked though). Basically my belief is the exact same as what Life Sucks has stated, except he replaced the term 'spiritual energy' with 'nothingness' which could easily be one and the same thing.
Even if you are wrong, it's a scientific fact (meaning it is generally considered as true by humankind) that when you die, you eventually become part of the environment again in some respect; your body may decay and fertilize the soil you're buried in, which would help a tree grow there, which a small child would breathe the oxygen of...etc.
Fuck atheism though, what a load of shallow, capitalist unthinking and disconnected shit.

In what sense is atheism shallow? It's understandable why one would see things like hedonism and mindless consumerism as results of a lack of spirituality for some people, but there's nothing intrinsic to atheism which necessitates total degeneration on the part of the person accepting it. Also, drawing some kind of connection between atheism and capitalism seems kind of weird. I think the more significant connection is between secular humanism and liberal democracy.
I don't know what the fuck he meant by capitalist, but I'm THINKING it wasn't in a political sense...though I dunno how "capitalist" is to be taken outside of the political spectrum.

Also Cythraul I'm sorry about being a dick a few pages back. :)
He's referring to being a money grubbing whore (more than likely). He probably meant materialist more than anything.
Anyhow, just my opinion, I don't want to get into a flame war over it. :)

Then why the hell did you even post it? That's like saying, "Ah fuck, I hate gays, but don't listen to me because I don't want to seem homophobic."
I used to believe Jesus wasn't the massiah. But now I do. But I don't believe in the holy trinity and don't worship Jesus.