Have your religious/spiritual beliefs changed in the past year?

How have your religious or spiritual beliefs changed in the past year?

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Nope, not Jewish, I don't believe any written word. I only believe stuff said by the prophets or God. But I don't take it word for word because the translation has most likely obscured the true word.

And I eat pork.

If you believe Jesus is the messiah, why wouldn't you worship him?

Because Messiah means "one who is sent". I'm not gonna worship someone who was just sent to earth and made people believe.
In what sense is atheism shallow? It's understandable why one would see things like hedonism and mindless consumerism as results of a lack of spirituality for some people, but there's nothing intrinsic to atheism which necessitates total degeneration on the part of the person accepting it. Also, drawing some kind of connection between atheism and capitalism seems kind of weird. I think the more significant connection is between secular humanism and liberal democracy.

Many of the atheists I've come across are mass consumerists (don't get me wrong, many religious people are also mass consumerists I know)... I know that's not an absolute, but it has been my experience with exposure to atheism. I guess *I* just find atheism shallow because there's no spiritual (read, NOT religious) aspect to it. Face value approaches in general is something for a personal dislike for me, so perhaps that's where affiliation for atheism and shallowness correlates from pov.

I guess it could be argued that the serious atheist abides by a philosophy of rules and standards, but without the mystical god bullshit. I can see how that can work for a person, that's cool...

I can understand that many people out there don't believe in "god "per se. To be honest, I don't think I do either, at least not the "constitutional" idea of it - there are very reasons why I feel against highly organised religions (in part also to Sikhism as well)... but I do think there's an energy of some kind, a metaphysical connection to the environment around us. Do I know what it is? No, I'm really not sure... but I feel there is something. I guess that's the big grey area that causes threads like this to exist... No matter our belief, many of us seek an answer of some kind.
I don't let anything that I "feel" convert itself into something that I "think" unless I can support it.

And I honestly don't fucking get your position on atheism pretty much whatsoever. You seem to be talking about hedonists more than atheists.
But you should at least understand what you're talking about, since hedonism (which IS what you're basically describing; playboys are hedonists, people who only live life to get as much pleasure as possible from it) and atheism are SUPER different. I'm an atheist, and I don't believe it to be a faith or religion...so obviously, your point on it lacking a spiritual side is dead fucking on -- I don't like spirituality, I would rather be focused on living my life than hoping to live another blindly.
Just sayin'. Don't bring up (dumb) things if you don't want to argue your ideas about them. At the very least, you should have a solid bunch of arguments to discuss in threads like these.
Uneducated opinions may as well not be posted at all in places like this, where people feel very strongly about their personal beliefs.
Does tertiary education equate to life experience? Do people who sit infront of computer 24*7, or within a library 24*7 understand more than people who physically and socially coexist with other people of different beliefs and go about their acquisition of knowledge through other means have any more right to express their opinion?

An opinion does not require references to one hundred literary texts, nor does it need to subscribe to a "clear" philosophy in order to be legitimate. We all lead different lives and arrive at different conclusions. The beauty of discussion is that it does not need to be finite. Raising questions, questioning beliefs, in my opinion are better tools with which to formulate your own opinions. To creatively think, not to regurgitate.

I feel very strongly about my personal beliefs, and others feel very strongly against what I express, but that's cool. There's been various times where someone's pointed out something I don't agree with, but it might raise my awareness to something and that's fine. I just feel that you need to relax a little about how much you disagree, and set more examples of being open-minded, you're the mod, you should be promoting tolerance.
I'm all for being open-minded, but not when the person I'm discussing or arguing with doesn't even know the basic philosophy regarding what he/she is talking about. I also don't believe you need to cite "one hundred literary texts" because I understand that belief is a very personal thing. Yes, I know I'm the mod and I should tolerate every single thing someone says with the utmost patience and give you little "100% Effort!" stickers for everything you say, but you're just plain wrong.

Also you began your post with the "lol i actually go outside unlike you who sit here all day" argument, so...I dunno what to think. All I know is that you should learn something of the tenets of atheism. You don't see me discussing Sikhism mainly because I don't understand or relate to it. And as you'd say, that's fine. You'd get angry too if what I said regarding it was totally wrong, and maybe even derogatory.