Having Trouble Eating Due to Depression. Any Advice? :/

Josh Burgess

Feb 18, 2008
Tampa, FL
I hate to bitch and complain about my personal problems here, but this is one of my favorite places (with one of my favorite groups of people) to visit online, and I feel like total shit, so fuck it... I'm going to, anyways...

My girlfriend of the last 4 years just recently broke things off with me. There was no lying or cheating or anything like that going on on either end, but it was pretty sudden and for some reason she feels the need to completely ignore me right now, which is just making things worse for me... She was more than a girlfriend. She was (is?) also my best friend. So, not being able to talk to her at all is really fucking me up right now.

I have no appetite whatsoever. I'm sick to my stomach 24/7. I'm feeling weaker and weaker by the day and trying to force myself to eat just makes me feel more sick. It's really making it hard to get things that I have to do done. Not only am I incredibly depressed, but now I'm becoming more and more unhealthy, because I can't eat, and I don't know what to do about it...
Man the fuck up? Not to sound cold but all this over a female/friend? I guess I don't understand. I'll let the white knights have at it.

Oh and sorry you're feeling so bad.
Not a proper suggestion but watch some depressing documentaries or some shit, maybe you'll gain perspective on your own life and why you shouldn't let one thing that's happened to you affect your well-being.
But in seriousness focus on eating some core foods if you can only eat so much at the moment. Broccoli is some shit that'll make you feel much better. Salmon, carrots are good.
Josh sorry to hear you feel so crappy. But....get over it man. There are lots of people all around you suffering through worse pain, real physical pain, death etc than a girl leaving.

My suggestion is to stop thinking about yourself and volunteer at a charity helping people that are down and out.

I volunteered a couple years ago with an organization that helped refugees resettle in America. These people came from really fucked up places. Maybe volunteering at charity will put your situation into perspective.
Drink milk if you're having difficulty getting down solids, seriously, its a lot easier to get down and it contains all of your basic food nutrients - proteins, carbs, fats.

At the root though, seriously there are worse things that could happen to you than losing a friend or a girl, I lost what I would have considered to have been my best friend at the time at this time last year and since then I've had to live in five different houses, had a hammer swung at me, had a knife held to me, had to rebuild my whole social circle, finish an honors degree and most of the time only keep my own company living alone. I've had days where I was throwing shit around in frustration and sat there like a lost child but that doesn't help, none of what you are doing will help or change anything and it's important to understand that because when you do you'll realise that the world keeps spinning no matter what choice you make here so the only thing you can do is to make a decision for your own good and keep on pursuing the things in life you want to.

Also being sociable helps, theres nothing worse than confining yourself to being solitary because it just means you live in your own head and that is one of the worst places to be when you are feeling down, call up a mate, go have a pint, just do something.
@Josh It happened to me also. Don't worry, time heals. Best advice I can give: Friends help, go outside, have some fun and forget about it. It's not the end of the world.
Smoke some green, if you're not opposed to that sort of thing. It will make your nausea go away and you will want to eat. If you are opposed to that sort of thing tums will help with your upset stomach
^^ yeah, why not acctualy...

your nervous system has to process some tough emotions, give it some time, but do remember that your attitude and intentions can affect the amount of time it takes to get over it
Seriously, smoke some weed, you will most definitely have an appetite after that. Best of luck.
Weed will make you sadder if you haven't done it before IMO.
^Strange, my first time I couldn't stop laughing for hours. To each their own.

Yeah that's true, but after that if you become addicted it will make your life much worse. It's better to not start it at all.
Smoke some green, if you're not opposed to that sort of thing. It will make your nausea go away and you will want to eat. If you are opposed to that sort of thing tums will help with your upset stomach

Actually, I'm not opposed to it at all. I've always been pretty open about it. I even posted here about getting a vaporizer a year or so ago. hah... but I've tried a few times already since this happened, and it's not doing a damn thing for me right now. If anything, its just making me even more locked inside of my head, which obviously isn't helping anything... Maybe i'm just too used to the effects to really get any benefit from it right now. :/

I did just decide to quit drinking altogether though. I haven't really enjoyed drinking for a long time, and it's really unhealthy. So, that became an easy decision...
Yeah that's true, but after that if you become addicted it will make your life much worse. It's better to not start it at all.

I know what you're saying, that drug tore my family apart.

When I was in full depth addiction to that crap I beat up an old lady for marijuana rocks.

I did just decide to quit drinking altogether though. I haven't really enjoyed drinking for a long time, and it's really unhealthy. So, that became an easy decision...

Good. Quitting drinking was the best thing I ever did. The last thing a depressed person should do is drink.
Sorry to derail the thread but dude, I've been smoking weed for the better part 21 years. I don't know what trouble you're talking about. I've had zero. Sometimes the supply dries up and I can't get any for a month or so. Guess what, nothing happens. I go on about my day like I never smoked it before. I don't feel the need to smoke it, I just want to. Where's the addiction? I've heard of cases where a person can become mentally addicted but I've never heard of someone becoming physically addicted. Where are you getting your information? What planet?
If ever you wake up late, try waking up at a decent time, even very early, and do something of your day. I realized that even if I naturally tend to go to bed and wake up late when I don't have any pressure coming in the future (work, studies, etc), I don't eat correctly.

You have to go over it. Although I know it's not easy losing someone that counts. It's not about being a whiny childish guy (eventhough I don't know your case). You can't get over feelings instantly, I don't know how people who say such things can do it, I know I couldn't if I really were into a girl even if I haven't in 10 years or so, or even if I lost a dear friend.

The best thing is to find a way to forget about it, at least for a few hours here and there, anything that could work is good. Asking friends if they wanna go party somewhere, have a good chat about it together for half an hour to explain your feelings and express yourself and then move on to have a few drinks with them or go watch a stupid movie or anything. Have beers with friends at a local concerts, whatever really.

Recently I had a few personal problems (family related) which were causing me trouble to concentrate in my current training, and my boss felt concerned and I was surprised at how good it felt for some reason just knowing someone actually cares for it and is reactive about it (he gave me extra off days to be able to go home etc). As cheesy as it sounds, it's a basic human psychology parameter and it is just true, no matter how "tough guy" you wanna look.

So in a nutshell : be active, put things in perspective, connect or re-connect with real friends, talk about it, and try to move on by finding another thing to think about or go towards.

@SocialNumb : I don't think people imply that weed is always addictive like heroin, but in some cases it can actually be to a certain extend, sometimes it's more the lifestyle than the drug itself. I've seen some people that were too much into it and had to force themselves to stop. It wasn't as hard as someone trying to quit smoking, but addiction is a reality although it's not as strong as alcohol or smoking addiction, nor as common. I'm not a smoker myself so I have no personal experience advice to give in this domain, I'm just talking about what I've seen among friends and family of friends.
Depression is fucked, been there a few times. Nobody said it but do some exercise, go run outside or something similar. Helps a bit.
@SocialNumb : I don't think people imply that weed is always addictive like heroin, but in some cases it can actually be to a certain extend, sometimes it's more the lifestyle than the drug itself. I've seen some people that were too much into it and had to force themselves to stop. It wasn't as hard as someone trying to quit smoking, but addiction is a reality although it's not as strong as alcohol or smoking addiction, nor as common. I'm not a smoker myself so I have no personal experience advice to give in this domain, I'm just talking about what I've seen among friends and family of friends.

I know the type of people you're talking about. The ones that smoke all day, get moody if they don't and generally don't do shit with themselves. I don't think you can blame the weed, it's more of a psychological problem, imo, I'm not a doctor. In my circle very few of us don't smoke it and the ones that do tend to smoke it after work or to get a good nights sleep. I'm talking about doctors, lawyers, big contractors, business owners. Even my grandmother smoked it in her 70's to relieve cataracts. I personally like to smoke it before I get into my favorite hobby, music. I also suffer from general/ social anxiety and weed goes a long way in relieving that.

Anyways, OP already said he smokes it and it's not helping.

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