Heavy Metal: Music or Image?

The Winnipeg Warrior

The Winnipeg Warrior ®
I'm a product of my time. So, this is all I know.....and care to know. For me, this represents Classic Heavy Metal. And I will continue to defend it.

I don't want to fight with anyone.....nor do I want anyone to feel that they can’t express their views. But for me, this image is a way that needs to be preserved for all Metal bands. For concerts, album covers, magazines, videos.....all public appearances and photo shoots. If a Metal band is to be seen performing in the public eye, there is no other way. The image needs to be preserved like culture, religion, and language.

That may sound elitist or narrow-minded.....but it's not meant to be. So what IS the Heavy Metal image? Metal is a mindset, a way of life. It's like the Seattle Seahawks going out on the field with plain uniforms. They need their colors, logos, numbers, and identiity.

So, the Metal image is no different. It is a Metal bands' "colors" and "uniform".....like any job. And you can't do your job properly if you're not dressed for the part. Just my opinion.

Since 1990, we've been force-fed this grunge-look that Nirvana, Pearl Jam and Alice in Chains made famous(infamous?).....and that look has entered into and become the traditional Metal look 15 years later. Uh.....no thank you. For the most part, the Metal style has always been sleek and classy.....not of some hobo living under a bridge, sleeping on park benches, pushing shopping carts down inner-city streets, and collecting thrown-out food in dark alleys. What the fuck has happened to the traditional Metal image? It's been taken over by tunnel-hats like Foo Fighters and Good Charlotte!

This is a quote from another website. Form your own opinions.

“Metal is a style of music. This style of music typically has a very negative attitude. Metal attracts losers and outsiders and deadbeats and all forms of social scum basically. These people need to belong somewhere, so they started emulating their heroes and dressing up in silly uniforms to tell OTHER PEOPLE (cause its more important for them to signify to others what they stand for, rather than actually stand for it)... so the dress code and uniform becomes more important to them than the music.

When you spend more money on band t-shirts than you do on the band's music... you're a fucking loser. End of story.”

For the record: I own a business and wear suits and ties to work. I deal with the top 1% corporate tight-asses. Many of you probably fall into my category. So, I’m not one of these “losers and outsiders and deadbeats” that was previously mentioned. Nor are most people who get into this style of music. Personally, I think we all have a lot going on for ourselves. But my belief that image and music go hand in hand is probably more a reflection of my generation than, say, someone who’s 20. And never had the "priviledge" of experiencing Heavy Metal the way some of us did back in “in the day” when bands like KISS (Hard Rock) and Priest and Venom gave us the spectacle.....along with the music. Both fed off each other.....and you remember the image just as much as the music. It was a complete package. And that’s what you expected and paid for, right? Has anything changed? Again, JMO.

Peace everyone!


Hmmm..... I couldn't agree less. Image does not define music. Music defines music. If you think about the thrash movement in the mid 80's - early 90's those guys wore jeans, t-shirts and sneakers mostly. Not much of an image, but some of my favorite bands look like their fans.
I also don't believe you need to have a "look" to put on a great live show. Ask Prog Power attendees from PPV if Tad Morose and Brainstorm put on a good show. They absolutely blew the place apart.

image? whats that?

i dont think it has any affect on the brilliance or intelligence of the music, its about the sound not the looks. you hear music, not "see" it...its definatly about the music.

now granted, especially around in america they look for image...but fuck them- that doesn't matter.

i feel this topic is the same as age, it bears nothing on the sound the band and musicians are able to create. and ya know, the only thing other than the music that ever has affect on me is the energy they have during live performances, which gets me in the mood more, but i still love what im hearing either way.

i agree with bryant alot.
I buy into your theory, but only in part, WinnWarrior. The only thing I care about image-wise in my bands is that they don't look like idiots (and even then, I only care if I have to look at them, has no reflection on the music). I'm fine with them dressing in blue jeans and sneakers mostly. Because that's something I can relate to. I'm fine with them dressing in leather, as long as it's not overdone to the point where they become "costumes".

I've always felt this way though. The only way a band's image had any impact on me was a negative. If a band was dressed up in silly costumes, I generally stayed away. This goes for the glam/hair metal bands as well. It just wasn't my scene. I thought they looked ridiculous in their spandex jumpsuits (complete with padded crotch), gigantic hairdos, and pancake mascara. Sure, they brought the chicks to the show, but when milling through the crowd I found it hard to tell the girls from the guys.

My favorite bands where the ones who had no image, per se. No costumes, no hairspray, no sequined jumpsuits, NO POSING. (There are exceptions to this rule, like KISS and GWAR where the costumes are extreme and part of the act). And as for the grunge/nu-metal look, I don't care if they are musicians or not. They all just look stupid with their dirty hair, baggy shirts, and pants that hang off their asses like Salvation Army rejects.

In regard to that quote, "Metal is a style of music. This style of music typically has a very negative attitude. Metal attracts losers and outsiders and deadbeats and all forms of social scum basically." Well, if this is a younger person talking who has only had exposure to kids who like Limp Biskit and Soilwork, what opinion do you expect them to form? Today's popular metal is a bad reflection on metalheads in general. Most of us, especially we who've been around for 30 or 40+ years, still love our metal but are normal, respectable members of society. How many of the old school crowd dress up any more than jeans and a silkscreened t-shirt showing one of their favorite bands? Very few is my guess.

In the end though, image has NOTHING to do with the music itself. And image doesn't make or break a band, IMO. Even I, with my distaste for all things posing, can't help but start moshing to Ratt's Out of the Cellar or Motley Crue's Too Fast For Love.
I just care about music. If the music it's good I don't care how the band looks, or in which language they sing, or their skin color, or their sexual orientation.

NP: Presto Ballet - 'The Fringes'
The Winnipeg Warrior said:
I'm a product of my time. So, this is all I know.....and care to know. For me, this represents Classic Heavy Metal. And I will continue to defend it.

I don't want to fight with anyone.....nor do I want anyone to feel that they can’t express their views. But for me, this image is a way that needs to be preserved for all Metal bands. For concerts, album covers, magazines, videos.....all public appearances and photo shoots. If a Metal band is to be seen performing in the public eye, there is no other way. The image needs to be preserved like culture, religion, and language.

I agree. I think the image is an important thing... call me shallow but my favorite bands have always had an element of image to complete the whole package. Even so called "poser" bands. To me if I enjoyed the music and the image fit the style whether it be "Glam" or "Heavy Metal" all the better! Even though I have have seen comparativley few concerts in my time I think the entertainment should come before the musicianship. If there is no showmanship... I can stay home and listen to the music.

The Winnipeg Warrior said:
That may sound elitist or narrow-minded.....but it's not meant to be. So what IS the Heavy Metal image? Metal is a mindset, a way of life. It's like the Seattle Seahawks going out on the field with plain uniforms. They need their colors, logos, numbers, and identiity.

So, the Metal image is no different. It is a Metal bands' "colors" and "uniform".....like any job. And you can't do your job properly if you're not dressed for the part. Just my opinion.

Since 1990, we've been force-fed this grunge-look that Nirvana, Pearl Jam and Alice in Chains made famous(infamous?).....and that look has entered into and become the traditional Metal look 15 years later. Uh.....no thank you. For the most part, the Metal style has always been sleek and classy.....not of some hobo living under a bridge, sleeping on park benches, pushing shopping carts down inner-city streets, and collecting thrown-out food in dark alleys. What the fuck has happened to the traditional Metal image? It's been taken over by tunnel-hats like Foo Fighters and Good Charlotte!

Whether it be spandex, leather or denim. Big hair, long hair, or bald. Metal in my book has a look and if a band is presenting themselves to the public in concert or a photoshoot, then some thought should be put into how they want to present themselves in a way that is a little bigger than life.

The Winnipeg Warrior said:
This is a quote from another website. Form your own opinions.

“Metal is a style of music. This style of music typically has a very negative attitude. Metal attracts losers and outsiders and deadbeats and all forms of social scum basically. These people need to belong somewhere, so they started emulating their heroes and dressing up in silly uniforms to tell OTHER PEOPLE (cause its more important for them to signify to others what they stand for, rather than actually stand for it)... so the dress code and uniform becomes more important to them than the music.

When you spend more money on band t-shirts than you do on the band's music... you're a fucking loser. End of story.”

When I read this quote it really got my hackles up! Metal music has always been a positive force in my life and to blatently label people who enjoy the music as losers really pisses me off! Whether the music is a form of escapism or contains a message of encouragement or celebration of the good things in life its all positive to me (I guess thats one reason why death metal has never interested me). And while its true, most people have an inner feeling of needing to belong to someithing or feel part of some group. Everyone does it to one extent or another. Just because I don't like certain kinds of music or groups that some identify with I don't write them off as "losers"! I respect each persons right to their own enjoyment and appreciate the same in return!

Too many people are content to label people and try to categorize them. It is very interesting to me the reaction I get when aquaintenances I have find out that I am a "Metal Head"! :yow:

The Winnipeg Warrior said:
For the record: I own a business and wear suits and ties to work. I deal with the top 1% corporate tight-asses. Many of you probably fall into my category. So, I’m not one of these “losers and outsiders and deadbeats” that was previously mentioned. Nor are most people who get into this style of music. Personally, I think we all have a lot going on for ourselves. But my belief that image and music go hand in hand is probably more a reflection of my generation than, say, someone who’s 20. And never had the "priviledge" of experiencing Heavy Metal the way some of us did back in “in the day” when bands like KISS (Hard Rock) and Priest and Venom gave us the spectacle.....along with the music. Both fed off each other.....and you remember the image just as much as the music. It was a complete package. And that’s what you expected and paid for, right? Has anything changed? Again, JMO.

Peace everyone!

Entering the workplace over 20 years ago I too shed my "metal" look in favor of the image that fit the "corporate world". Now working in Real Estate I have to be sensitive to the image that is expected when playing the part. If I was talented enough to be in a band you can bet I would be suiting up accordingly!

Metal is a very positive thing in my life. It gives me energy and enthusiasm in a way that only some kind of drug otherwise might - I drink but dont take drugs. I am very fit because the energy given to me by heavy rock helps me to excercise and motivates me.
The Winnipeg Warrior said:
I'm a product of my time. So, this is all I know.....and care to know. For me, this represents Classic Heavy Metal. And I will continue to defend it.

I don't want to fight with anyone.....nor do I want anyone to feel that they can’t express their views. But for me, this image is a way that needs to be preserved for all Metal bands. For concerts, album covers, magazines, videos.....all public appearances and photo shoots. If a Metal band is to be seen performing in the public eye, there is no other way. The image needs to be preserved like culture, religion, and language.

That may sound elitist or narrow-minded.....but it's not meant to be. So what IS the Heavy Metal image? Metal is a mindset, a way of life. It's like the Seattle Seahawks going out on the field with plain uniforms. They need their colors, logos, numbers, and identiity.

So, the Metal image is no different. It is a Metal bands' "colors" and "uniform".....like any job. And you can't do your job properly if you're not dressed for the part. Just my opinion.

Since 1990, we've been force-fed this grunge-look that Nirvana, Pearl Jam and Alice in Chains made famous(infamous?).....and that look has entered into and become the traditional Metal look 15 years later. Uh.....no thank you. For the most part, the Metal style has always been sleek and classy.....not of some hobo living under a bridge, sleeping on park benches, pushing shopping carts down inner-city streets, and collecting thrown-out food in dark alleys. What the fuck has happened to the traditional Metal image? It's been taken over by tunnel-hats like Foo Fighters and Good Charlotte!

This is a quote from another website. Form your own opinions.

“Metal is a style of music. This style of music typically has a very negative attitude. Metal attracts losers and outsiders and deadbeats and all forms of social scum basically. These people need to belong somewhere, so they started emulating their heroes and dressing up in silly uniforms to tell OTHER PEOPLE (cause its more important for them to signify to others what they stand for, rather than actually stand for it)... so the dress code and uniform becomes more important to them than the music.

When you spend more money on band t-shirts than you do on the band's music... you're a fucking loser. End of story.”

For the record: I own a business and wear suits and ties to work. I deal with the top 1% corporate tight-asses. Many of you probably fall into my category. So, I’m not one of these “losers and outsiders and deadbeats” that was previously mentioned. Nor are most people who get into this style of music. Personally, I think we all have a lot going on for ourselves. But my belief that image and music go hand in hand is probably more a reflection of my generation than, say, someone who’s 20. And never had the "priviledge" of experiencing Heavy Metal the way some of us did back in “in the day” when bands like KISS (Hard Rock) and Priest and Venom gave us the spectacle.....along with the music. Both fed off each other.....and you remember the image just as much as the music. It was a complete package. And that’s what you expected and paid for, right? Has anything changed? Again, JMO.

Peace everyone!



Yeah, most heavy metal does have quite a memorable, "rebellious" (like most popular music) image. Which is pretty marketable. As Bryant said, earlier metal was more theatrical and thrash metal stripped it all down to just aggressive music. Compare Judas Priest live sets with bikes and elaborate stage settings to Slayer ones.

Haha, pretty harsh sounding quote but its true that most people that get attracted to metal are outsiders or just kids who want to be all rebellious until they grow out of that stage. And there is scenester attitudes like "I am defined by my taste in metal" yet they dont even think about the music too seriously. Sure, any motherfucker can buy an album and press play on the CD player. Yes, I take my metal seriously but I admit I have little musical talent and just listening to some more underground bands wont make me better than the typical joe in society.
rokk said:
I agree. I think the image is an important thing... call me shallow but my favorite bands have always had an element of image to complete the whole package. Even so called "poser" bands.
Now how did I know that you would be one of those who would side with the WinnWarrior? I figured you and Trixie would both back him up! Damn posers. :D Great post, by the way! I don't agree, but you make a good case, as per usual.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Now how did I know that you would be one of those who would side with the WinnWarrior? I figured you and Trixie would both back him up! Damn posers. :D Great post, by the way! I don't agree, but you make a good case, as per usual.

This thread made me think of three things:

1) Sincerity - It doesn't matter if you like bands that have a real gaudy appearance, be it black metal, glam metal or whatever.... as long as you like them for the right reasons and are sincere. Trixxie Trash lives and breathes glam metal and I applaud him for that. He is sincere in his love for the genre which includes the image. I see no fault in that.

2) Stage presence - I don't think an "image" is necessary at all for a band, but stage presence is. Circus Maximus played at PPVI and I was blown away at the vocal prowess of their vocalist. He absolutely could have designed a rocket while on stage singing, it came so effortlessly to him, but I have seen dozens if not hundreds of bar bands that were more entertaining than them on stage. They were flat out boring. I appreciated the musicianship, but ....... do something guys !! Maybe mic-stand tricks are a little over-the-top for a prog band, but don't just stand there. I could have watched Mariah carey. She can sing and I get to see pretty legs at least......... sorry for the rant, but I do expect some sort of entertainment for my money.

3) Tolerance - One of the coolest guys I met at PP is Derek. Derek is the PP "goth boy." He looks like a nightmare clad in leather and facepaint, but he is a cool and intelligent guy. I saw lots of strange looks and chuckles from the PP crowd when he was in their presence though and it reminded me of how trite, vain and prejudice the human race can be including metal-heads.

Bryant said:
This thread made me think of three things:

1) Sincerity - It doesn't matter if you like bands that have a real gaudy appearance, be it black metal, glam metal or whatever.... as long as you like them for the right reasons and are sincere. Trixxie Trash lives and breathes glam metal and I applaud him for that. He is sincere in his love for the genre which includes the image. I see no fault in that.

2) Stage presence - I don't think an "image" is necessary at all for a band, but stage presence is. Circus Maximus played at PPVI and I was blown away at the vocal prowess of their vocalist. He absolutely could have designed a rocket while on stage singing, it came so effortlessly to him, but I have seen dozens if not hundreds of bar bands that were more entertaining than them on stage. They were flat out boring. I appreciated the musicianship, but ....... do something guys !! Maybe mic-stand tricks are a little over-the-top for a prog band, but don't just stand there. I could have watched Mariah carey. She can sing and I get to see pretty legs at least......... sorry for the rant, but I do expect some sort of entertainment for my money.

3) Tolerance - One of the coolest guys I met at PP is Derek. Derek is the PP "goth boy." He looks like a nightmare clad in leather and facepaint, but he is a cool and intelligent guy. I saw lots of strange looks and chuckles from the PP crowd when he was in their presence though and it reminded me of how trite, vain and prejudice the human race can be including metal-heads.


This must be one of your best posts! Awesome!! I am in full agreement :worship:
Bryant said:
1) Sincerity - It doesn't matter if you like bands that have a real gaudy appearance, be it black metal, glam metal or whatever.... as long as you like them for the right reasons and are sincere. Trixxie Trash lives and breathes glam metal and I applaud him for that. He is sincere in his love for the genre which includes the image. I see no fault in that.
My old buddy rokk is the same way. He loves that scene, always has. And he didn't love it to be popular, he loved it because it appealed to his tastes. I have no problem with that, I respect that. But that doesn't mean I don't give him shit about it from time to time!:D Especially the following conversation that we had about two years ago:

TSO: So, what do you think of Savatage? They're my favorite.
rokk: Yeah, I like the old stuff like Hall of the Mountain King.
TSO: What about their more progressive 90s stuff? Dead Winter Dead and Wake of Magellan?
rokk: [shakes head] No, I didn't like those albums.
TSO: WHAT? You didn't like them? Why not?
rokk: They made me think too much...

Needless to say, I stopped trying to turn him onto the proggier side of metal!
Some good points have been raised, Metal shows need action but a costume doesnt neccessarily guarantee a good show. There are plenty bands that have a great image but crap music.

At the end of the day music is just that and will be heard mostly through your speakers at home. Looking at band pix of leather or street denim or hairspray can certainly go a long way to project an image to those who have not heard it before. Also the said image can serve as encouragement to those who relish every little aspect about metal, especially back in '80s when metal was wooing a generation of rebellious kids. In this aspect the image was important and spoke volumes of who you were.

I consider thrash metals' jeans & sneakers as much of an image as the glam look, only its an easier look to reproduce; making it extremely welcoming if you dont have a good dose of selfconfidence/extraversion/whatever you wanna call it running through your veins.

Losers come in all shapes, sizes and colours and listen to lots of different music. Generalisations like that quote just suck.

I believe that there has been a shift in the "spirit" present at shows i've attended recently and while there are still many good bands making good metal, something has been lost in translation - which is not the bands fault - i guess it just goes hand in hand with the PC times we live in now.

In closing, I feel that the crowd at a show plays a huge part in the final outcome of a perfomance. These days, people seem to stand around and expect to be entertained and not bother getting into it themselves, again another product of the year 2000 in my eyes...
.....to quickly add: WASP were another band that blended great music, a traditional Classic Heavy Metal image.....and a fairly over-the-top stage show.

Now, personally speaking.....and it may have been the times.....those were some pretty good shows. Because seeing them here a few months ago in a much smaller venue than in the 1980's.....the musical integrity was still there. But that larger-than-life stage prescence was missing. And I think part of that was the fact that much of the spectacle was lacking.

More than anything, Metal is a live medium. No matter how great the recorded product is, the live show is what draws the fans. I don't think anyone can question that fact.

Really, this form of musical expression didn't hit it's true commercial wave until the early '80's. By then, you had some veteran bands that had honed their skills and were already playing to large houses. Newer bands like Ratt, Dokken, Great White, Crue, were just starting to gain some credibility in the local LA club scene. The European market was just as healthy with the likes of newcomers Venom, Tokyo Blade, Tygers of Pan Tang, Raven, Grim Reaper, Mercyful Fate.....far too many to name.

But from what I remember.....each band had a distinct image that was associated with their music. That evolved as the band matured. But yet.....image was and continued to be associated with the band as a marketing tool (not ploy) to sell albums, Hit Parader and Circus magazines, and concert tickets and merchandise.

Because in those days, everyone was watching what KISS did. The music sold the album. Which sold the concert tickets and t-shirts. Which sold the beer and more merchandise at the venue.

Other than a few bands nowadays that fall into the Metal genre.....I don't really see this going on anymore.....especially not at the level of some of the veteran bands like Priest, Maiden, KISS.....who have always done this. Then again, the average age at these gigs are 30 and up. Essentially, an older band playing for an older and more affluent crowd.
I don't really care what a band looks like if I like the music, but if I don't like them it's easier to make fun of them. :loco:

The music is really all that matters to me. Nothing else.
Bryant said:
This thread made me think of three things:

1) Sincerity - It doesn't matter if you like bands that have a real gaudy appearance, be it black metal, glam metal or whatever.... as long as you like them for the right reasons and are sincere. Trixxie Trash lives and breathes glam metal and I applaud him for that. He is sincere in his love for the genre which includes the image. I see no fault in that.

2) Stage presence - I don't think an "image" is necessary at all for a band, but stage presence is. Circus Maximus played at PPVI and I was blown away at the vocal prowess of their vocalist. He absolutely could have designed a rocket while on stage singing, it came so effortlessly to him, but I have seen dozens if not hundreds of bar bands that were more entertaining than them on stage. They were flat out boring. I appreciated the musicianship, but ....... do something guys !! Maybe mic-stand tricks are a little over-the-top for a prog band, but don't just stand there. I could have watched Mariah carey. She can sing and I get to see pretty legs at least......... sorry for the rant, but I do expect some sort of entertainment for my money.

3) Tolerance - One of the coolest guys I met at PP is Derek. Derek is the PP "goth boy." He looks like a nightmare clad in leather and facepaint, but he is a cool and intelligent guy. I saw lots of strange looks and chuckles from the PP crowd when he was in their presence though and it reminded me of how trite, vain and prejudice the human race can be including metal-heads.


BRAVO! Excellet Post Bryant!!!

I dont think Image effects the music .... but I dont mind if a band trys to go for some certain image Doesnt bother me at all ofcourse I am not Shallow enough to let something like that bother me ... Me myself I like to Wear my Leather Jacket, My Concert T's and my BLACK Jeans and Long Hair ... its an Image ... one I have been doing for so long its second nature ... do I give a shit if somebody thinks I am a poser because I dress a certain way? Nope! I dress how I feel comfortable(sp) I like Shoving the fact that I am a Metal Head down peoples throats I dont giva fuck if they like it or not ... if they are not Shallow they will see that I am a regular guy that wont Burn down Churches, Sacrifice anything to any gods, murder, rape, pillage none of that ... so no Image doesnt matter unless some dumb asshole makes a big deal out of it
JonnyD said:
I am a regular guy that wont Burn down Churches, Sacrifice anything to any gods, murder, rape, pillage none of that

You're boring! :p