Melodic Death Metal is a misnomer...

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New Metal Member
Feb 13, 2005
1 is "Power Metal" which is so powerful it would have trouble punching its way out of a wet paper bag and is definitely not Metal.

The term "melodic" is also totally misused. A quick google reveals that

noun {C or U}
a tune, often forming part of a larger piece of music

1 very pleasant to listen to
2 relating to the melody in a piece of music

Notice the conspicuous absence of

melodic death metal
1 a style of music based on nauseatingly predictable scales that does not seek to challenge the listener's expectations is any way, with heavy emphasis on clinical production and precise musicianship as opposed to music and atmosphere
2 concrete proof that heaviness in music has absolutely nothing to do with how low the guitars are tuned or how distorted they are, how fast the drummer plays or even how extreme the vocal style is

what I mean is that "melody" has come to mean "cheese" as opposed to a sequence of notes that forms a tune. I'm saying that most styles of music involve melody and I hate the way the word has been misused.

Whatever I guess it's just another name for a style - just as 'nu-metal' is not only not 'nu' any more, but utterly coffined and buried.

I also happen to vehemently dislike the utter boredom that listening to bands like In Flames or Archenemy causes.
Yeah, I'll agree on the Arch Enemy and In Flames. Those bands are just too damn noisy for me. I like a little more variety in my music, hence my preference of progressive tendencies within my metal bands.

There is some melodic death metal though. Children of Bodom immediately come to mind. Most of their music is very melodic. If they'd just drop the barfing vocals, and the occasional repetitive double-bass drum blasts, they'd be old fashioned heavy metal all the way. Then there are bands who are categorized as death metal, but are really just progressive metal (with occasional extreme passages) and very melodic: Opeth and Orphaned Land top the list.

As for Power Metal, I never did agree with the common definition of that genre. To me, power metal is groove-heavy, crunching riffs, prominent bass, and screamer/singers on vocals; the production vibrates your testicles. Tad Morose, Cage, and Lefay are bands I'd like to consider power metal. Helloween, Rhapsody, and Edguy are speed metal in my view, not power.

I normally just follow "popular classifications" though, because the only time I use classifications is when I'm describing a band to someone...and I have to explain it in a language they understand. Hence, Helloween = power metal.

In response to your original theme of this thread, as I understand it, I do believe that there is a certain speed (and/or other extremity) where metal music loses all sense of melody and simply becomes noise.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
In response to your original theme of this thread, as I understand it, I do believe that there is a certain speed (and/or other extremity) where metal music loses all sense of melody and simply becomes noise.

I'd say it's more talent level, not speed.
You get some bands with very little talent, so they have to be extreme to survive.
Hahaha! I like a lot of melodic death metal I think bands like Opeth for example put a
lot of musicianship in their music and friend of mine from Finland has a really good melodic death metal band called Thales I listen to all the time.
KMADD said:
Hahaha! I like a lot of melodic death metal I think bands like Opeth for example put a
lot of musicianship in their music and friend of mine from Finland has a really good melodic death metal band called Thales I listen to all the time.

I remember Thales! One of their guys used to post on UM alot ... all I have actually heard of theirs was some outstanding Intstramentals ... would you happen to know where I could D/L some current material?
I guess we can get along after all. haha! Sure man I dont know if you can download
any thing but thier demos are fairly cheap like at 5 to 6 bucks a peice. Go to and talk to Victor( Karri) he's the singer for the band he also
plays guitar for Enochian Crescent a very out there progessive Black Metal Band.
Ah! Now I like Opeth and I think the first couple of Carcass-esque Archenemy albums would be excellent if it wasn't for those cheesy solos that completely ruin the mood of the songs. To give you a comparison I really don't think much of Mastodon's output - I can see they're trying to do something new by blending styles but they do it in a clumsy patchwork kind of way. I feel the same about those old AE solos.

I don't agree with wdiv. As much as I value skill and talent, it's nothing without real songs and I'd rather listen to an unskilled retard who fluffs half his chords but who plays with real passion, whose recording somehow captures a unique and powerful atmosphere and feeling, rather than some extra talented post-Malmsteeen wannabe playing incredibly well-produced cheese.

Let me illustrate my point. If you are familiar with Dave Weckl, you will know that he's one of those un-fffffffff-belie-fffffffff-vable drummers who spands most of his waking hours playing drums and may have a practise setup in his toilet for all I know. He has played (I think) with people like MJ and Madonna (yes they're lame but you have to be in one of those stratospheric musician leagues to play for them).

So basically this guy is incredible. Have you heard "Masterplan"? It's depressingly well played and what's more depressing is that it's basically a compilation of elevator classics and shopping mall favourites. Give me Wesley Willis over that sh*t any day.

Children of Bodom and In Flames are the Dave Weckl bands of metal.

And Thales are exactly the kind of meaningless so-called "Melodic" so-called "DM" tripe I abhor. I can't even stomach Desultory. F*ck knows I've tried.
In Flames are fucking crap and all Swedish Metal is FALSE METAL yes even Yngwie J Malmsteen. I hate Swedish metal because it's rubbish and it's not REAL. Don't like it.

Arch Enemy can suck my cock. Norway metal is shit as well. Denmark is the only good scandinav metal. Finland? Gayland my friend.

Melodic Death is soft death softcore.
Goatfxxker said:
I really don't think much of Mastodon's output - I can see they're trying to do something new by blending styles but they do it in a clumsy patchwork kind of way.

Seriously, listen to Mastodon some more. They're so fucking good. I can't say this often enough. Make sure you get "Remission".

Children of Bodom and In Flames are the Dave Weckl bands of metal.

But this I agree with.
god_king said:
In Flames are fucking crap and all Swedish Metal is FALSE METAL yes even Yngwie J Malmsteen. I hate Swedish metal because it's rubbish and it's not REAL. Don't like it.

Arch Enemy can suck my cock. Norway metal is shit as well. Denmark is the only good scandinav metal. Finland? Gayland my friend.

Melodic Death is soft death softcore.
You're a faggot, no one thinks your funny, go die now plzkthxbi.
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