hejallihopa jävla Vintersorg fanatiker!


Jan 27, 2002
hi I´m from Reykjavik and I got into Vintersorg last year
I´ve got all his albums except Hayavoth´s
he ruled at Wacken this summer...

the new Borknagar is one of the best albums I´ve heard...

talkin about Winter, there isn´t snow up here which is unusual

however, 2 years ago we received the heaviest snowfall for 20 years...
Welcome Djöfull!
Hmmm... eh.. could you do me a favour..? Please? Tell me what they say in the beginning fo the fifth song on Enslaved's Eld? If you have the CD, that is. (And if it's icelandic...) I would be soooo grateful! (I think I understand the last word...) ;)
I don´t know Enslaved that well...
could you recommend me something?
like the new CD "monumension" I´ve heard it´s like viking-sounding

could you just tell me the words and I´ll translate!

We have to learn danish here ( due to our colonial past)!

swedish is more clearer and has more words similar to icelandic
I know some( took a little swedish course last year, and I´ve been there a couple of times, Lund, Göteborg)

by the way my name means Devil in icelandic
pronounced: Djövudl ö=oe like in Oedipus u like in pussy
Oooo, don't know the wi\ords, that's why I asked. Else I think I would be able to translate it myself.
Monumension's the best!! Especially Sigmundskvadet, but you should listen to Eld, to.
Tíll árs ok frithar! (Don't have an edd...)
Tíll árs ok frithar! sounds like= til árs og friðar= to year and peace

Icelandic is the latin of the north... maximum reespekt, aightz?

could some of you Scandinavians out there tell me about good metal stores in the Cities of Oslo, Köbenhavn, Helsinki, Stockholm etc.

and where you can buy ticket online, and news of gigs

I would appreciate it...
Well, well... Stockholm isn't the best place to buy metal. But there is a place wich the Gods have graced with they're presence. It's called Record Exchange, I think... Mostly I buy from Ginza.se, damn good place.

Nåja, ha det jävligt gott, Cheers på dig!
I don't know Helsinki's cd-stores well enough but my friend knows many. I'll ask him tomorrow when I (propably ) see him. Acctually we're supposed to go there when we have time. then he'll show those places to me :)
SHIT!!!! A guy from Iceland!!!! BRILLIANT! :eek:))))
This board is blossoming! :eek:)

Judging by the title of this thread I thought I'd
get to read "I hate Vintersorg, and you're all
gay for listening to this shit!" I was getting my
axe ready to chop this guy's head off! lol >:eek:)

could some of you Scandinavians out there tell me about good metal stores in the Cities of Oslo, Köbenhavn, Helsinki, Stockholm etc.

Seriously? Are you going to travell around? :eek:)
We have one really great metalstore here in
Oslo. It might not be great compared to other
metal-stores in other countries, but I think of
myself as extremly lucky to even have a
metalshop in my town! :eek:)
It's called Sound Of Noise :eek:) Other than
that you have Wolff's Lair, where you find
some rare books, clothes etc :eek:)

"Elm Street" is the place where you find the
members of Dimmu Borgir hanging out, but that
place is kind of dead.... Haven't been there myself
though, that's just the rumour I've heard....

Anyways, nice having you onboard Djöfull :eek:)
And if you're thinking about getting to see some
shows when coming to Norway, be sure to come
during easter! I'll just give you this link -->
Wooooow!! someone from Iceland!!!!!
Welcome to the board..... :)

and btw,i want to learn icelandic some day (maybe this summer....)....it seems to be such a cool language....but i bet it must be super hard,especially the pronounciation...
thanx for you´re response and benevolance... dudes!
especially Black spirit

I went to Oslo last summer but the metal selection near Karl Johan wasn´t that great

Yeah it´s hard to learn icelandic, but I guess it depends upon each individual, my aunt´s man is norwegian and has lived in Iceland for 20-30 years or something and he´s not mastered the accent!

must be hard to learn greek... a whole new alphabet!

I going to KöbenHavn the 14.february to see Iced earth by the way :) !!!!
@Djöfull: Was supposed to mean good year and peace. (norse) Know some icelanders who use to say that (well, around 13th of january, anyway: Thorri - ...does this make any sense to you? )
You should come to Elm Street, though, when you're in Oslo. There's always some metalheads there. Kind of funny since you don't see people like that to often other places.
@Fjelltussa hahah your name sounds like mountain-bitch!

good year and peace> yeah it probably means that when you´re beginning a new year
aha... Þorri thats when (Jan-febr. )we eat ( well not all of us) sour stuff, rams balls, shark... etc. a tradition that comes from when we had to store our food...or else we could have starved...
so we made it sour!
there´s a website against this kind of food!

I´ll check out Elm Street, next time... sounds ehm...skräkligt!

@ astarte
where do you live? and do you use slang words often?
Chile. The spanish we use it kind of twisted, so i try not to use too many slang words 'cause i hate the way it sounds, i think i'm the only one around who tries to speak like normal people :)
tienes hormigas en tu culo, cabrón?

hay algunas bandas buenas de tu pais, pendejo?

conoces a Puya, ladrón?

A ti te gusta Tom Araya? habla él unas palabras de español?

me duele la cabeza... ay ay ay

Pinochet es un viejo loco que ha asesinado mucha gente que no lo merecía