"Hellish Rock World Tour" Invades ProgPower USA"

I must admit, I'm somewhat disappointed. I was very much hoping for the return of either Redemption, Pagan's Mind or Vanden Plas to this year's showcase. Obviously, the math makes sense, and if I was in Glenn's position I would have done the same thing.


I agree - I would have liked to have seen any/all of these bands as well. I thought Pagan's Mind was a long shot despite how much ass they kicked last year simply because most of them were here with Jorn for PPUSA VII. I thought Vanden Plas would be a shoe-in.

That being said, I think this is a pretty cool announcement never having seen Helloweeen/Gamma Ray/Manticora before, and so I'm looking forward to Thursday with great anticipation.
I have to say... I am a bit let down. My sources CONFIRMED that it was going to be Guitar Hero Jesus.. oh well. This will "have to do"

Dude you crack me up!!!

Looking forward to another kick ass time in good ol' Atlanta... Kudos to everyone involved ~ I'm excited just to get to see Gamma Ray again - AND Helloween... Someone's been in my head again!!! :):p
Aww.. see? And you were all jealous! Look what you have coming to a town near you! :)

Hehe :p I was really hoping (for both our sakes) that it would be a miraculous appearance by Rhapsody for Thursday ... but I'll take this, too :heh: I just hope they're hitting another city nearby, as I'd like to see Kai front-row - I've got a feeling that sneaky gold-badgers will beat me to it in Atlanta :lol: Hell, I might just chase this tour wherever it goes so I can get the chance :loco:

It's not a cheap show to produce.


no doubt! helloween and gamma ray i figured the price would jump a bit.

that price sounds extremely fair to me. thanks for the swift reply, and for making this happen.
Wow... you have quite an affinity for beating dead horses.

The essence of my point about CPF and Paganfest, is that they're separate events. And if you look at how Glenn is billing this, he's billing it as a separate event. Look at the title of the thread and/or the blurb on the PPUSA web site. Additionally, there are no three day packages. These are being sold and billed, separately. Do you think if the "Hellish Rock World" gig fails to sell out (not that it will) on Thursday and ProgPower does sell out, Glenn won't consider ProgPower a sell out?

When did I ever claim other festivals don't incorporate tours?

I never claimed it would. All I ever said is, from my perspective, they're different events.

For the last time... you view this one way, I view it another. I'm not sure why the fact that not everyone sees things as you see them, bothers you so.


Chillax mang, I was just busting your balls.
I think I paid 90-something dollars to see Van Halen at Phillips. I would gladly pay TWICE that to see this show. So 36$? Mmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm :)
Okay, I am expecting a torrential downpour of insults but as far as I'm concerned, I am looking forward to this more than either of the headliners on the mainstage. My roommate and I had long suspected that the headlining bands for Friday & Saturday night would be Gamma Ray & Helloween respectively. While I enjoy Iced Earth, I can't honestly consider myself a rabid fan of them as I am with Gamma Ray and Helloween.

This is utterly amazing amazing news! I cannot wait for Thursday night as I'm sure it will be THE highlight of my year. My hair is going to be going around so fast, I am going to lift off and float above the stage like a leather-clad metal helicopter! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

My hair is going to be going around so fast, I am going to lift off and float above the stage like a leather-clad metal helicopter! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

In the name of all that is holy (and unholy) I hope they capture this moment on the PPUSA IX DVD. :lol: