"Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

Fetzer said:
So you're Goth.
Well I get shouts of "Goth.Fucking Gothic" yes.
I also get shouts of "Vampire."
I wouldn't call myself a Goth though.I know too little about the history and actual culture. As far as I am concerned a human can't technically be a piece of architecture.
Kayos said:
Well I get shouts of "Goth.Fucking Gothic" yes.
I also get shouts of "Vampire."
I wouldn't call myself a Goth though.I know too little about the history and actual culture. As far as I am concerned a human can't technically be a piece of architecture.

In general, this kind of categorization suck. For us or for them.
Fetzer said:
In general, this kind of categorization suck. For us or for them.
Yes.Although it isn't the way it ought to be, if you are going to dress a certain way then one should expect and be prepared to recieve some kind of abuse.
I can accept the small mindedness of many individuals where I live.
Fetzer said:
I know I know, I have long hair and I dress always the same, so I have to deal with all the shitty comment that come with that :rolleyes:
I think I take some of the attention away from many people in my area along with about three or four other people that I know.They're a lot of guys with long hair around and I've never heard any of them get abuse because of it.

Vikk Cavanagh said:
after reading all this... i'll slit my wrist
Could you collect and send me your blood?
Not in general, people don't shout "Long hair" or "Gay!" but it's in more in family, or in school, or at work, like 2 or 3 times a day I here:

"What will you do if I cut your hair HAHAHAHAHAHAH" or some people first think I'm a girl and people laught I'm pretty use to that and most of the time I laught at their stupidity :lol:
Vikk Cavanagh said:
what you're gonna to do with my blood? :zombie:
I was joking.
I wouldn't ever drink anyone's blood that I didn't know and completely trust not to have any diseases.
Vikk Cavanagh said:
a lil bit of aids, i got from emily, that bitch
Would you like to explain who Emily is because the only Emily that I know is the one that is my friend's penis.(His girlfriend named it :rolleyes: )