"Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

hi. im francisco from mexico 23 years ... im fan since 6 years ago...

my fav bands are cob (of course) iced earth stratovarius dark moor like many other bands
Hi guys...I`m Marko from Croatia...What else to say....I like Metal...many different genres...and CoB is the one of my favourite bands....so....I`m glad to be here with the rest of the CoB Hatecrew...:kickass:
I'm lex, I'm 21 and I've been a fan of COB since i saw them live with slayer back in summer of 2006. Some of my top favorite bands are: COB, Dissection, Sinister, Dimmu Borgir, All That Remains, Immortal, Cannibal Corpse, Myrddraal, Goatwhore and many more.:rock:
Hymne Til Døden;6746015 said:
I'm lex, I'm 21 and I've been a fan of COB since i saw them live with slayer back in summer of 2006. Some of my top favorite bands are: COB, Dissection, Sinister, Dimmu Borgir, All That Remains, Immortal, Cannibal Corpse, Myrddraal, Goatwhore and many more.:rock:

Welcome :)
Glamour punks..

naa not emo or emocore or hardcore or whatever they call themselves..
just some punks