"Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

Abrasive-X said:
check her profile :p shes 14 if the birthdate is right.

and I'm far from "hawt", get new glasses :p
Great. Yet ANOTHER girl who'll cause yet more instances of the 'casanova' and 'don-juan' lines. :rolleyes:

Good one angy. ;)

Anyway,G'day Mel, welcome to the club. Your soul has now officially been repossesed. :devil:
Tut Ankh Amon said:
welcome melovalo :)

and allow me



But I haven't even said anything yet. :cry:

@Melo: FYI, You look like you're 17, going on 18. If you need clarification on said 'Casanova' references.... ask Halfie. ;)
...yeah, Melo, i was actually the reason WHY that Casanova line came up in the first place [via Ralf, you'll probably see him around here sometime in the future]. and i swear, if you even TRY to make me wear pink clothes, i'll...i'll...i'll do something very nasty in response. and...may i say...I TOLD YOU SO! :D
Make her wear pink clothes Melo, you'll be doing us all a favour. ;) Just make sure you get out of swearing/yelling/brother wielding range before she notices.
What's wrong with pink? I have pink underwear. because I worship satan, and I'm pretty sure God hates men who wear pink underwear.