"Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

that's ok. you're no threat to his status anyways so no need for worries.
Blue_Jay said:
Yea I'm fine I didn't mean to worry the coolest person I ever met here so far.
awww.. thats the most sweetest thing i've ever heard !!! :oops: how come your never online on msn ??:(
awww.. thats the most sweetest thing i've ever heard !!! how come your never online on msn ??

lol more like your never on MSN. I come on mostly between 3pm and 6pm central time then I'm usually gone and come back sometime around 9pm central time to at the most 2am central time. Times aren't 100% accurate though :p
GhostOfBodom said:
hey dudes and dudettes, as you may have noticed i am new so for those of you who are bored i have taken the liberty of providing you with a noobie slating session. have fun:headbang:
:wave: hey dude!!!