Help convince me to go Mac...

So JBroll, looking back in the thread right now, i have to say i did some (REALLY)stupid posts and i take back what i said.
I was wasted and for some reason decided to use my computer, not a excuse, but im still sorry for it.

Hey, as long as there was alcohol it's all good. It just got scary there for a minute, in a funny kind of way...

Thanks! I like it! :) Every time I look at it, I laugh hysterically. :lol:

Dude, you're really getting aggressive with this, and I think it'd be a good idea to remove it. There's no reason to take it personally or get personal, and constantly berating someone for an opinion they hold (however "right" or "wrong" it may be) is exactly that. This is the kind of behavior I'd expect from Harmony Central...
Dude, you're really getting aggressive with this,

Metaltastic, chill out dude. That's like the third time you've said something like that to me. I read forums for entertainment value. We're all having fun here right? I think you're taking all of this way too seriously. I'm worried about you! Go play your guitar or something dude. We're grown ups here, we can take care of ourselves and I'm sure 006 won't be jumping out any windows because of his idiotic comments here. In his mind, he's 100% right and I'm the asshole. I'm just playing the part my friend. :)
More Than Ever, that kid doesn't take *anything* seriously. You're looking incredibly aggressive, as a matter of fact - and since I'm always right there's no point in arguing. He's probably just sitting there grooming his sideburns and wondering if you're actually serious.

006, I am also wondering what kind of bottlenecks are guaranteed to be found on PCs and impossible to find on Macs...


Most of'em I guess.. Reghacks are simple to find on the net, but tweaking OSX is another story..
Metaltastic, chill out dude. That's like the third time you've said something like that to me. I read forums for entertainment value. We're all having fun here right? I think you're taking all of this way too seriously. I'm worried about you! Go play your guitar or something dude. We're grown ups here, we can take care of ourselves and I'm sure 006 won't be jumping out any windows because of his idiotic comments here. In his mind, he's 100% right and I'm the asshole. I'm just playing the part my friend. :)

If you say so, but things like "until then, STFU" and calling Mac-favorers mentally challenged don't come off as just happy-go-lucky fun and entertainment to me...
More Than Ever, that kid doesn't take *anything* seriously. You're looking incredibly aggressive, as a matter of fact - and since I'm always right there's no point in arguing. He's probably just sitting there grooming his sideburns and wondering if you're actually serious.


Haha, thank you Jeff, they could use a good sharpening :D
This thread sucks more balls than the cheap hooker that sat next to me now. And trust me, that is a lot.
