Help convince me to go Mac...

Hey, as long as there was alcohol it's all good. It just got scary there for a minute, in a funny kind of way...


Haha, no kidding!
I honestly don't know what the fuck i was thinking.

But hey, at least i contributed to the "lulz on da intarwebz". ;)
Most of'em I guess.. Reghacks are simple to find on the net, but tweaking OSX is another story..

Okay, again I'm not talking about *Windows* when I say PC. I mean IBM-clone, x86 or x86-64, priced so that personal ownership and use is reasonable and worthwhile - NOT a specific OS.

Okay, again I'm not talking about *Windows* when I say PC. I mean IBM-clone, x86 or x86-64, priced so that personal ownership and use is reasonable and worthwhile - NOT a specific OS.


That's not fair. Motorola and IBM don't supply Jobs anymore and you now that.
I use 'IBM-clone' in a very loose and silly sense, referring to something that descended from the IBM PC clones that made 'Wintel' the dominant force. I was, in a roundabout and backwards way, saying that I'm *NOT* referring to the Windows operating system but the PC base itself.

So we're talking about, let's say, the new iMacs with core2's and Nvidia chips and an Intel X58 Core i7?


Get rid of that earwurm in your sig.

No !
I always laugh when i hear that silly song and i need a funny and annoying sig !
But if you insist...
Want me to change it to karma kameleon or ymca ???
They are much worse earworms than volare if it is even possible ! :lol:
No !
I need a funny and annoying sig !
But if you insist...
Want me to change it to karma kameleon or ymca ???
They are much worse earworms than volare if it is even possible ! :lol:'re beggin' for a Bonzo Dog DooDah Band Bombing... :mad:
Great i succesfully corrupted your brain with shitty music ! Muuuuahahahaha ! :heh:
Keep replying to me and volare will slowly eat your braaaain :goggly:

And we successfully OTed this thread !

Yeah. :mad:

And stupid me was searching the net to worm your ass back. So now I'm "iiits a smaaallll world aaaafter aaaaal, iiits a smaaaal world aaafter...."

And that's just number ten in the top 50...

Oh fuck, I need another drink...

i was working.. finishing a mix.

On your G5? (a REAL Apple)
I said "working on a MAC for over TEN years". The first computer I ever owned was a MAC. Maybe you should build your own PCs piece by piece like I do, then maybe you would see what a real computer can do. But I understand the mentally challenged might have difficulty doing that and need to use a MAC like yourself. You know nothing about me or my background or what I'm using computers for. How the hell can you make a comment like that???.
amazing.... yet you did exactly that to both myself and to Kazrog. who is it really that's getting worked up and carrying on the pc vs mac argument... i spent my day mixing a few songs on an album ... on my computer... for a record label that is paying me to do so. this leaves me very little time to worry about defending myself against the total speculation of PC Evangelists like yourself (yes, i did say exactly that.. you are clearly far more worked up about the issue than anyone else here), which are the same type of guys that waste their time making the kind of sites you were so thrilled about.... "one Thing PC users that Mac users can't...." is to insult working professionals who do not use the same computers they do. because clearly all of us guys that have been earning out livings in the business for more than a decade and are happy with our computer choices have only made those choices because of trendiness and advertising. who is it that's truly the condescending ass hat in this equation? When macs stop working for me, i will switch. i STILL will not bother learning to build computers.... i spend my time mixing audio.
amazing.... yet you did exactly that to both myself and to Kazrog.

Maybe YOU don't know what you're doing on a PC? Maybe YOU are pathetic because you can't make a PC run flawlessly??? - I don't know you personally so I wouldn't make such a bold and idiotic statment as you did.

No I didn't, I just reversed your statement and asked a question. I did not make a statement as you did. What Kazrog said was his opinion. If it was fact, everything he stated should be able to be proven without a shadow of a doubt. You should learn the difference between opinion and fact.
The work environment should mean nothing under a production pipeline, so you can't judge a computers reliability at work??? Bullshit! My computers both at home and at work are doing the same work you tool. Wouldn't it make more sense that computers at work should be even more efficient than home computers???
no... too many different people using them. what's so hard to understand about that? same with schools. again, i have no doubts about your ability to build and maintain your own personal PC workstation to a higher standard of performance and reliability then a group-use Mac that you do not own and put personal care and attention into and that others also use at times. this is a no-brainer. as far as calling me a tool, i don't recall calling you any names.... do you still maintain that you are just "having fun"?

Maybe YOU don't know what you're doing on a PC? Maybe YOU are pathetic because you can't make a PC run flawlessly??? - I don't know you personally so I wouldn't make such a bold and idiotic statment as you did.
if it's pathetic that i've spent my time earning money, having little-to-no hassles while doing so, and having a great feeling that i've added to someone else's art a creative part of myself, rather than spending one moment building PCs or thinking about parts... then ok, i'm pathetic. can't wait to haul my pathetic ass down to the bank on Monday to cash this pathetic $5K check i earned over the last few days...... maybe i'll just buy me big ass LCD tv so i can watch the new Mac commercials in hi def... they are my religion, after all.
and you do know the difference between opinion and fact? you've not shown much evidence of that to me. you do not know me, and you do not know Kazrog.