Here I am

Originally posted by stargazer
you know, all of you would be welcome backstage if you came to any of our shows :)

Thanx for the invitation!!!!!

When you come to Italy someday I promise you that I'll be your official guide during Italian concerts

Your avatar really makes me laugh MotherNorth :p
What kind of guitar and amp do you use btw?
I'm currently playing a standard Ibanez 7-string and a 5150 Peavey half stack. I have assorted Rocktron rack gear but mostly just use the Noise Gate.
Working on getting a custom Conklin.
Does anyone have a recommendation for which 7-string pickups I should get? They stopped getting shipments from Bartolini :(
Yep, good looking girl! :)

Hey, one thing (for everyone): what's the average height of girls and guys in your country?
I'm 1.66 m and I feel very small - because I am here. Here guys are 1.85 m on average and girls are 1.70...
god, thats a weird question. i dont know what the measurements are in metres but i think the average female in england is about 5 foot 6 inches

not sure about males but i know im just under the average and im 5 foot 11, so i guess its about 6 foot 2 inchs or so
I play a Fender Stratocaster Classic Floyd Rose and I have a Marhall 100 W valvestate, anyway if someday I found a heavier band (my dream) of the maiden's cover one in which I played I'll buy an Ibanez (I've seen one in a musical instrument's shop in my city that I really like a lot).

In Italy the average height I think it's around 1.75/1.80 for men and 1.65 for women

For Stargazer: I really like to know better the guys who made such a first album like Timeless Departure!!!!
Originally posted by MotherNorth
For Stargazer: I really like to know better the guys who made such a first album like Timeless Departure!!!!
Well, you can catch Henrik, Martin and Andreas posting once in a while.. but they are not as active as I am and it's been quite a while since they posted anything. Joakim's excuse is that he has a too slow modem and that this site takes forever to load :)

Originally posted by Silent Downfall
when you guys get big and tour the US i will remember hold you to your backstage offer i will hold a big poster board that says "IM SILENT DOWNFALL!"
I would laugh my ass off if I saw that while being on stage ;)
Silent Downfall, where in the US do you over here in New York waiting anxiously for Skyfire to get their asses over thinking me and you and a few other US Skyfire fans gather a bunch of money and buy the plane tickets to the US for them, then they can play us a private concert, and they can stay at our houses....what do you say Jonas? :)
Originally posted by stargazer
Well, you can catch Henrik, Martin and Andreas posting once in a while.. but they are not as active as I am and it's been quite a while since they posted anything. Joakim's excuse is that he has a too slow modem and that this site takes forever to load :)

Well, I've sometimes the plasure to chat with Henrik on ICQ... so you're the second Skyfire I internetly know... anyway meeting you in flesh wouldbe very great!!!!

Good question Truebeleiver: why is your name Skyfire??????????

Backstage meeting? Don't forget the offer. Once you're here we have to meet, yes. Worry not, you'll recpgnise me- I'm the good looking one. :goggly:

Andrea (being euphoric today cos she got her bassguitar)
Honestly I think Skyfire could pull of a US gig after the next album, Hammerheart just has to push them. If not headlining, definitly in support of someone.

and whats with all these kids running rampant in the forum!? This is death metal! DEATH METAL! :loco: No I still love ya Erama ;) and your cool to True hehe.

F_V (bored and.....angry? :loco: )