Here I am

@True oh excuse me....melodic death....melodic epic, melodic blah blah who fuckin cares I was just jokin anyway.

@erama Ok ok ok ;)
none of that really characterizes black metal soley anyway. But theres no really need to go into the genre thing anyway. Always end up at a dead end :p
Thanx Jonas for the expalantion about the name Skyfire.... I think it gives perfectly the idea of your music; if I should label it I'd call "progressive black/death metal with symphonic influence" in another words the same definition Charlie gave ;)

I didn't imagine Erana was so young and was a woman.... still funny to discover such things!!! At this point I feel like a grandMotherNorth (I'm 21... very old in comparison to your 14) and I'm very happy that in the fisrt thread I opened in this forum is borning a love between TrueBeliever and Erana.... :D

A meeting???? Sure!!! Naturally in Sweden....
just for the benefit of comparison i am 17, and the age gap isn't that extreme anyway, like 10 years at most (from the info ive read anyway)

its cool that Skyfire attracts many ages and not just the little 9 year olds who walk round in popa roach huddies etc
yep, ur right MotherNorth.

but every band with an original sound that is gonna make it big is going to get loads of wannabe's supporting them just because they are getting more popular.

thats the way now, well in England anyway, and i think it sucks
Originally posted by MotherNorth
I didn't imagine Erana was so young and was a woman.... still funny to discover such things!!! At this point I feel like a grandMotherNorth (I'm 21... very old in comparison to your 14) and I'm very happy that in the fisrt thread I opened in this forum is borning a love between TrueBeliever and Erana.... :D

Heh, I manage to fool lots of people. :D But soon I'll have an avatar placed so there'd be no more confusions with the gender thing. On the age...well, there's nothing I can do if I look or act older than I am... :p

Love? LOVE? Not in the M-F kinda sense. Friendship.
Originally posted by Charlie E.
MotherNorth you wouldn't happen to have a twin sister who is single? :grin:

I'm sorry... I don't have one at the moment, but when clonation is legal I promise you I'll do a backup copy of myself and I'll make her do what I never did (so she'll never get engaged with a man more than sex). When all this is ready I'll call you and or you'll take a visit to Italy or we'll come in Florida (to visit Tampax :p ) and so you'll be able to meet her. Ok????
Originally posted by Charlie E.
Sounds like a good deal MotherNorth, too bad you mistake me for the typical american bastard tho ;)
I was born in Spain and I have Swedish manners!!!! :mad:
hehe :spin:

I understood this from the thread in which you and Jonas talk in svenska... you can't hide no secret from me :p

Anyway I've never thought you were the typical American bastard... I'm very racist only with Italians (a crowd of stupids) and sometimes I'd like not to be born in this country