Here's the Seattle Setlist People

Don't worry about moshing, if it happens and you get caught or something somebody will be there to pick you up if you fall, people at shows are pretty good about watching out for each other like that. And also, the venue you are going to might not even allow moshing. I know Cane's down in San Diego has their bouncers go in and break up anything once it starts. Which I don't really agree with.......
I just crapped my pants the second I saw that setlist!
BLACKWATER PARK! I DONT KNOW ABOUT YOU BUT I'D KILL TO SEE THAT LIVE! and moor, oh, how this seem so unreal!? I thought that opeth couldnt go any further. this is so fantastic! THIS TOTALLY BLEW MY BRAIN OUT OF THAT WINDOW TO THE SKIES!

Satim said:
They didnt start The Moor with the fade in part, they just went straight to the classical sounding acoustic bit. And there was no piano intro to April Ethereal unfortunately though it would have been cool and feasible to do considering they had a keyboard player up there.
Thanks for posting the setlist. I was extremely happy to see it, since I just found out that I will be able to go to the show on Tuesday, despite my brokeness. Having friends that do business with Century Media has been a godsend lately. Hopefully, I'll be able to take some pictures.
Mudas said:
And also, the venue you are going to might not even allow moshing. I know Cane's down in San Diego has their bouncers go in and break up anything once it starts. Which I don't really agree with.......

I don't recall seeing any of those guys there last time...hmm.
Wow -

thank god Lopez is feeling better. the Valentines day show should kick ass! And I'm surprised that I didn't see any other comments on Demon!!
Thats probably one of my top 3 fav's of all albums. I also think its one of the heaviest (next to Serenity and Godheads Lament). That song alone is worth the wait!

I'll be at the Feb 14th show down here in North Carolina, and I'll make it a point to share the setlist and show highlights with all of you, the same you guys did for us..

Nice to see Opeth fans are like a big family!!
are they planning on playing nectar this tour? holy fuck if they play nectar on friday i will seriously die happy with that setlist. Ill miss Leper and Advent from the set but April Ethereal will make up for both.. and BWP, YESSS, and the MOOR!@! Fuckin ess i cant wait for friday