Hey Mikael

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House of Seance said:
yea, because how exciting and entertaining is that...
yeh your right, id rather want him to say "hey listen very carefully, im a cock!" and "fuck you!"

now thats cool!
If mike was one of those cocky metalheads who take themselves too seriously you guys would complain too...Why bother? he is just trying to entertain people, and most of the fans actually like it, while some don't...
Detric said:
yeh your right, id rather want him to say "hey listen very carefully, im a cock!" and "fuck you!"

now thats cool!
you're a boring stiff who can't take a little humor... this is your problem, not mine, or Mike's
if you dont think mike is entertaining, thats your problem detric. but dont cry to the opeth forums about it.
why do you care so much bout it?

if he says such things ok... its cool
and if he dont its ok too....
because the music and the show is still good ;)
affinityband said:
I know its almost like 4,344 posts of total garbage. Theres always time for making up for it though.
Lets the hope the next one at least has some good in it. I havent got my hopes up imo

How come you took your "band" out of your sig? :lol:
all_sins_undone said:
if you dont think mike is entertaining, thats your problem detric. but dont cry to the opeth forums about it.
im not crying, i just wanna know why he changed, let the man speak for himself..i remember mike saying something about people were complaining because he didnt talk on stage, and seemed like an arrogant asshole, but now its become like a fucking comedy show or something, and it takes the attention from the music
Detric said:
im not crying, i just wanna know why he changed, let the man speak for himself..i remember mike saying something about people were complaining because he didnt talk on stage, and seemed like an arrogant asshole, but now its become like a fucking comedy show or something, and it takes the attention from the music
Yeah, since now they only play 3 songs on stage.

Wtf? Takes away from the music? Would you prefer they play in absolute darkness as well? That way you focus on the music rather than on their playing?

I just don't see how it adds or detracts from the show overall, really. It really makes no difference whether he jokes around a bit inbetween songs or just announces the next one. In any case, they play the same amount of songs and the songs are played just as well.
Stormwatch said:
As usual the fanboys in the Opeth forum jump on someone being critical of Opeth instead of discussing things.
Some things never change.

well...if you read my post again you will notice that it was more constructive than this thread is worth
we just laughed at the show when he said such things about cocks etc..
then it was the time to get crazy with the song "WHEN"..so what's the problem?
Hi guys!

Yes, I do talk a lot of bollocks on stage, but only if I feel like it and it's spontaneous. I especially like when I say something that I think is funny, but nobody else gets it. So it's dead silent. One of my fave lines was "Did you know that psychopaths are most likely to drive a blue BMW"? Dead silence!

I HATE the whole shallow shit like "Come on", "Hey, hey, hey", "Let me see your hands"...etc. I either talk like a prick or I don't talk at all. I was never a gentleman in the past, I just wasn't interested in saying anything. But after 100's of shows something happened, I guess I got bored with..."Thanks, next song is....."

If you're offended by my talk or you think I fucking suck...get in line! I say what I wanna say in the same sense as I play what I wanna play. As for the most part I've seen a positive reaction to the inbetween song talk. And even though I say things like "Cock", there are also some profound moments...I guess....

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