hey mister moderator person.

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Sep 1, 2004
Who closed my topic and what was the reason? i was gathering some fucking opinions god damn. where was the harm in that? was i slamming other music? no... was i slamming other people? not really.. what was wrong with it? because you dont like alternative metal, the fucking topic gets closed even though it was a popular thread and we are on a fucking metal board?

what an abuse of power. that shit was like 6 pages long and i was getting some good replies!
God damn. It doesnt take a mod to realize that it was quickly becoming an idiot-fest. There was nothing more that needed saying anyway. In such a shallow topic, you can only have so many opinions.
At best people were being civil but redundant, at worst all sorts of silly flames and comments were popping up. Half the posts were about how bad the thread was. It was nothing to do with my musical preference, or because I have a problem with you personally. I don't close threads to punish people, I close them because they're really not going anywhere but down. It's commonly referred to as common sense.
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