hey reverand!! i have a confession for you....

ForbiddenAngel said:
speaking of periods I have had 2 periods within a 2 1/2 week period, any thoughts on that CT?
sorry for interfering... but, you might not be healthy. in the nice case it's a hormonal disorder. wish you all the best. visit the gyno asap. :Smug:
I have a few problems with this thread. The lack of gore-chunks is apparent. Come on, YOU CAN DO BETTER THAN THAT CT! You should have at least got an "extreme-close up" shot on that uber-chunk. I do think you deserve a pat on the back for actually posting a chunky pic. Although, next time, you should put it on a piece of bread, maybe you should feed it to a small animal and film it, just a few ideas.

Or maybe, just maybe.... :Spam: you get the idea.
Lord of Metal said:
Pregnant? Again?
I HIGHLY doubt it LoM.

I practice birthcontrol thankyou ::)

TEE I have an appt with the gyno on the 28th to get an IUD put in so I think I'll bring up my concerns with him. Thanks.
ForbiddenAngel said:
I HIGHLY doubt it LoM.

I practice birthcontrol thankyou ::)

TEE I have an appt with the gyno on the 28th to get an IUD put in so I think I'll bring up my concerns with him. Thanks.
I have been thinking about getting one of those...kinda scary sounding though :erk: If you will, PM me and let me know what it's like....

Oh wait, I'm not having sex with anyone..... :yell:
TheSinMakesYouReal said:
I didn't look close the first time because of what i thought it was. But than you said it was Oreo’s so I looked. That's the only reason I don't plan on looking again no matter what you say lol. In the movie "American Wedding" one guy ate a dog turd, and I got sick and was gagging. I had to pause the movie until I got composure lol. I know he didn't really eat a dog turd but thought of it made me sic. lol I know I'm pathetic.

LMAO!!!!! That's the best part of that movie.

It's like my friend's dad said though, it's not Stiffler eating the turd that makes that part awesome, it's the face he makes while he eats it that makes the part righteous.

Such a fucking badass movie, right on par with Old School.
BlackwaterNymph said:
I have been thinking about getting one of those...kinda scary sounding though :erk: If you will, PM me and let me know what it's like....

Oh wait, I'm not having sex with anyone..... :yell:
will do BWNymph.
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