Hey Theocracy...


Sep 28, 2005
If someone came up to you, put a gun to your collective head, and said "you have an unlimited budget, pick a song and make a music video to it" what song would it be and what would the video be like? This question is directed toward any and all of the members of Theocracy.
Hmm...I really have no idea. There's a song that's going on album #3 called "Hide in the Fairytale" that I think will make an excellent single/video...uptempo, catchy, singalong. But I have no idea what I'd want the video to be like--that's really not my thing. Never been huge on videos, though I do prefer the ones with a good bit of footage of the band actually playing the song, as opposed to a bunch of random characters or whatever.

Sorry for the non-helpful answer!
Well I was waiting for Matt or Jon to answer before I said anything. It would be hard for me right now considering Im still in the learning process, but I would have to say its between "Hide in the Fairytale" or "Nailed".

Hide in the Fairytale - I would imagine in some weird sci-fi/fantasy place just because of the name, but like Matt said have footage of the band playing. Though I'd much rather balance it out between characters and the band and actually have the band members be some characters. Most music videos these days have nothing to do with the song anyways.

Nailed - Definately just a band footage thing, playing in some crazy weird room or warehouse or some place with lowlights of red and green. Its just friggin heavy! (sorta like Nightwish's "Wish I had an Angel" video with different lighting and such)

not much detail, but then again when I learn the songs better I'll try to come on here and give the un-official "act like an established music video director" post.
Well, that's a fairly difficult question. From the first album, I would definitely say 'Mountain' would have to be the best song for a video. It has everything that defines Theocracy - heavy riffs, melodic chorus, and huge choirs. Another defining factor has to be the length, which eliminates a good chunk of our songs. We could always edit them to be video length, but you always lose a good part of the song. Unfortunatly, we're about 4 years too late. :)

From the second album, 'The Writing in the Sand.'

From the third, 'Hide in the Fairytale'

For your question, using an unlimited budget and no constraints: 'Laying the Demon to Rest'

So that's how I would break it down per album, and my ultimate selection. It's hard to really choose one over another. :headbang:

I'm with Matt on this one for how the video goes. I prefer the videos where it shows the band more than just focusing on characters. Maybe a mixture, but so it's not done cheesy. While I think these videos could be done well, I can picture some lame videos emerging from them as well. I think Writing in the Sand tells a strong enough message that it could translate well to some scenes portraying the point of the song mixed with the band. Same for Hide in the Fairytale

Well, that's a fairly difficult question. From the first album, I would definitely say 'Mountain' would have to be the best song for a video. It has everything that defines Theocracy - heavy riffs, melodic chorus, and huge choirs. Another defining factor has to be the length, which eliminates a good chunk of our songs. We could always edit them to be video length, but you always lose a good part of the song. Unfortunatly, we're about 4 years too late. :)

From the second album, 'The Writing in the Sand.'

From the third, 'Hide in the Fairytale'

For your question, using an unlimited budget and no constraints: 'Laying the Demon to Rest'

So that's how I would break it down per album, and my ultimate selection. It's hard to really choose one over another. :headbang:

I'm with Matt on this one for how the video goes. I prefer the videos where it shows the band more than just focusing on characters. Maybe a mixture, but so it's not done cheesy. While I think these videos could be done well, I can picture some lame videos emerging from them as well. I think Writing in the Sand tells a strong enough message that it could translate well to some scenes portraying the point of the song mixed with the band. Same for Hide in the Fairytale


I'v also been waiting for a video :( (BUMP)
So it's settled, you'll be making a video to the Fairytale song.

In my opinion, On Eagles Wings would be sweet.
YEAH! Also, Absolution Day. A dude in a courtroom shackled in chains (well... sort of obvious)
Well, I personally would love to make a video of ** ****** ** ****** but no one know what that is. (I'm not aloud to say because it's from the third album) But ...it does give the Theocracy band members a nice little easy riddle to mess with for figuring it out ahahahaha.
Well, I personally would love to make a video of ** ****** ** ****** but no one know what that is. (I'm not aloud to say because it's from the third album) But ...it does give the Theocracy band members a nice little easy riddle to mess with for figuring it out ahahahaha.

Yo Mammas so freaky? it fillz it in! MUST BE IT! lol jk. It will puzzle me for eternity... or until the cd comes out lol! P.S. 300 posts WOOT!
3? Is there 1 I do not know? Nailed, Hide in the Fairy Tale, and... what is the 3rd?
Not to mention that a video is a fantastic promotional tool.

On Eagles Wings is just about the right length, has a good story that could be adapted for video, and is probably the most straightforward song off of MoS, but it's probably too late for that.

I vote do a video. :D
Well, I personally would love to make a video of ** ****** ** ****** but no one know what that is. (I'm not aloud to say because it's from the third album) But ...it does give the Theocracy band members a nice little easy riddle to mess with for figuring it out ahahahaha.
Of Heaven To Sinner? Bah, gimme a vowel.
Well, I personally would love to make a video of ** ****** ** ****** but no one know what that is. (I'm not aloud to say because it's from the third album) But ...it does give the Theocracy band members a nice little easy riddle to mess with for figuring it out ahahahaha.

My Dragon Is Stupid is my guess. JK! :headbang: All the prog out there is about dragons and such lol.
So it's settled, you'll be making a video to the Fairytale song.

In my opinion, On Eagles Wings would be sweet.

YES! I really wanna see a video of this.

Hey if I ever get a HD camera and some more experience, I'd do it! I've never done a music video before tho :D
Allthough on the long side, I'd like to see a vid for martyr. I honestly don't think songs that already have a story laid out in them translate well into videos, often the imagery presented in the lyrics is enough that a video isn't necessary. Especially with matt's writing.