Higher Education

In a College/University:

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@T3TS: yeah. we have degrees for it here but i shouldve said something other than diplomacy. i meant to say some type of degree that would allow a scientist to be a prime mover in policy. the policy could be local, national, or global. whatever. so, i guess, yeah, in a sense, a study in diplomacy would help. but probably more something like government, policy, urban management, that sort of thing. my point being that a physicist could come up with an alternate fuel source and with a background in policy, push the new fuel source through the government and change the world (for the better) with it. im so tired of people coming up with shit that is bad for all of us. it's time some people stepped up and changed it for the better......i guess thats where you come in, with your degree in diplomacy. good luck with that. sounds cool.
@Botfly: i would greatly question your friends's incomes. ive found that virtually everyone vastly inflates what they make. also, a real estate license is a matter of taking a $400 course that takes a few weeks to complete. afterwards you can join a firm but you pay a "joining fee" of a grand or so (depending on the firm). then, you most likely fail miserably. for every agent that makes a full-time living from real estate, there are a hundred who fail. real estate *can* be lucrative, i'll grant you that, but not everyone reaches that point.
the idea of becoming rich from government auctions is an urban legend, i think. im sure it's possible, but highly unlikely. capital gains tax on a $10,000 a month profit would suck you dry. not only that, if it is that easy, everyone would be doing it.
it's possible your friend is making 100 grand as a locksmith but i highly doubt it. $100,000 grand a year is $2000 a week. assuming he repairs 5 locks a day, that's $100 a job. possible but...... one could just replace the entire mechanism for $35. oh well, i sincerely hope is doing that well. i just question it.
^^See what I mean? Everyone has this idea about everyone else can't get rich. Seriously though, it just takes some basic advertising know-how, a plan, and a positive frame of mind about it.
dorian gray said:
@T3TS: yeah. we have degrees for it here but i shouldve said something other than diplomacy. i meant to say some type of degree that would allow a scientist to be a prime mover in policy. the policy could be local, national, or global. whatever. so, i guess, yeah, in a sense, a study in diplomacy would help. but probably more something like government, policy, urban management, that sort of thing. my point being that a physicist could come up with an alternate fuel source and with a background in policy, push the new fuel source through the government and change the world (for the better) with it. im so tired of people coming up with shit that is bad for all of us. it's time some people stepped up and changed it for the better......i guess thats where you come in, with your degree in diplomacy. good luck with that. sounds cool.

dorian, it'll be the mechanical engineer (me :D ) developing the alternative energy by applying the physics that was learned. Renewable energy is actually what I've decided to focus on. Physicists don't do much outside of teaching or research (I don't think they go into development as much....unless it's engineering physics) and as far as I know, one needs at least a master's degree to do any of that.

And I agree with you about people using their capabilities for naught. It's about time things started changing their values.

For the people who think that education is a waste of time, I think the primary problem is that kids are forced to decide what they want to do with the rest of their lives before they've even had a chance to develop their sense of self. From personal experience, I would say that I appreciate and enjoy my education more now that I'm older and more sure of what I want to do. I've been able to find a major that incorporates my personal beliefs with my education (not to mention I'll be making a decent amount of money straight out of school). Only having a Bachelor's degree in Engineering is really all that's needed to get into the field (and a lot of times you can just get a 2-year degree in Eng. Tech. and work your way up from there).
@triste: cool. let me know what you come up with.

heh. i mentioned physics instead of engineering because it's the pure science, whereas engineering is the application. just my own bias showing. but, i agree with you 100%. it's *much* wiser to get a degree in engineering than physics, as you will need at least a masters degree to use it.

....engineering techs can also usually get tuition reimbursement in exchange for a few years of service upon graduating. obviously, it decreases your marketability but, hey, at least you dont have to look for a job.

thats funny you went into engineering because of "personal beliefs". i dropped *out* of engineering for the same reason. heh! i was pretty immature back then and dont think id do the same thing now.

good luck.
Triste said:
For the people who think that education is a waste of time, I think the primary problem is that kids are forced to decide what they want to do with the rest of their lives before they've even had a chance to develop their sense of self.

Precisely the problem I have. I have no idea what I want to do, yet I am forced to start thinking about precisely which college I want to go to now, in 10th grade. Ugh...
coolsnow7 said:
Precisely the problem I have. I have no idea what I want to do, yet I am forced to start thinking about precisely which college I want to go to now, in 10th grade. Ugh...
only grade ten. that's waay too early to think about college. then again i went tp public school where you looked into college in 11th or 12th grade. i decided in 12th. anyways i reccommend you go could be some of the best years of your life, btw the work ain't that bad in my opinion at least(hindsight is wonderful). too tired to cap the i and starting letters.
dorian gray said:
@triste: cool. let me know what you come up with.

heh. i mentioned physics instead of engineering because it's the pure science, whereas engineering is the application. just my own bias showing. but, i agree with you 100%. it's *much* wiser to get a degree in engineering than physics, as you will need at least a masters degree to use it.

....engineering techs can also usually get tuition reimbursement in exchange for a few years of service upon graduating. obviously, it decreases your marketability but, hey, at least you dont have to look for a job.

thats funny you went into engineering because of "personal beliefs". i dropped *out* of engineering for the same reason. heh! i was pretty immature back then and dont think id do the same thing now.

good luck.

Well....the personal beliefs part is the developing of alternative energy...kind of stems from my punk/social ideals...engineering is just a great way for me to not only learn something useful, but be able to apply it to whatever it is I want...I always wanted to do something in sciences but realized after taking chemistry for a year that I didn't really want to spend the rest of my life in a lab. Engineering is more creative I think...pure science to me can be rather dry....

Even 11th or 12th grade I think is too early for someone to start deciding on what they want to do...contrary to popular belief, there is no shame in waiting for a couple of years after high school before starting to pursue one's higher education...I waited until I was 20 before going back to school and even then I just started taking classes that I was interested in so I could develop my major....and like I said before, because I'm an older student (I'm going to be 27 this year and barely transferring to university in the fall!) I definitely am more sure of my path and am more serious about my education...
Id be interested in talking physics and thermodynamics with some of you guys, but i fear it would be stretching the boundries of off-topic a bit ;).

The American education system is so broken that I dont know where to start with it. *Exasperating*.
ken, how'd you get into that type of school?..any pre-reqs or anything?
unfortunately, i'm not very patient nor creative with the guitar, and i don't know any theory...but i live for music.
having some involvement with music would be probably one of my dream jobs...next to my first choice, a porn director.
Try to talk to me in Spanish without using a translator, and plus, try to maintain a 'real' conversation with me in my language. Then will see.

Until THEN please, SHUT THE FUCK UP.
If you've seen my last posts, you'll realize that only I've posted things that have to do with the exposed in the forum.
It's a shame that you can't differ from a sarcastic conversation to a serious conversation.
So, I win.
Now go and bitch whatever the fuck you want about this pic and how good are you at it. Cunt.


Trey Parker said:
oh yeah, wouldn't want this place to get any off-topic conversation

i can actually talk spanish fairly well. however i try not to as i have to bathe the stench off of me afterwards
Luz said:
So you should come to Argentina and see with your own eyes which educational system is worse.

I cant compare as I dont know anything about your countries system. What makes the American situation SO maddening is that we have all the resources in the world and still cant get it functioning... gross mis-management of funds and talent, combined with the bullshit of politics, unions, and business, and you get the joke of public schools.
It might be that also the people don't worry about having a better education or probably not having the resources to take advantage of them to the maximum, who knows...
As far as I know, education there is pretty expensive, right?

Justin S. said:
I cant compare as I dont know anything about your countries system. What makes the American situation SO maddening is that we have all the resources in the world and still cant get it functioning... gross mis-management of funds and talent, combined with the bullshit of politics, unions, and business, and you get the joke of public schools.