Higher Education

In a College/University:

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Triste said:
Even 11th or 12th grade I think is too early for someone to start deciding on what they want to do...contrary to popular belief, there is no shame in waiting for a couple of years after high school before starting to pursue one's higher education...
fuckin-a right, triste. i remember in my 12th grade physics class when the teacher asked everyone what they were gonna do and where they were gonna go. when she got to me, "uhhhh....." i was so embarassed at the time.
anyway, imagine the wave of chaos that would ensue if a huge amount of high school grads didnt go to college until age 20-21. itd be kinda cool.
Luz said:
As far as I know, education there is pretty expensive, right?
thats a relative term. i would say private schools are absurdly expensive, costing as much or more than an upper-middle tier university. as far as public school goes, Nashville's total budget for 2004 was 1.4 billion. education received 38% - 512 million. public safety ranked a distant second at 300 million (22%). so, yeah, i would say schools are very expensive. the sad thing is that Nashville's schools are notoriously bad. i would imagine most of america's cities are similar. how are argentina's schools funded? what are your taxes like?
Trey Parker said:
i don't even know what that pic is supposed to be. it looks like the snake from the metallica album and a snowball pushing a broom.


Trey Parker said:
i never accused YOU of being off-topic, cunt.

I didn't say you were accusing me. CUNT.
Do you know how to read?
I'll stop here since sometimes you make me laugh with your posts and others, like this, are fucking worthless.
The same as you, we have public and private education ... primary (6 years up to 12), high schools (13-17/18) and universities (+18)
About Universities, in my province we have the best public university of the country. Therefore, the title that we obtained there, is much better than paying for a private one. The problem is that the first exams to get in to this kind of public universities isn't easy. That's why many people decide to enter directly to a private university doing not such a difficult examns, which it's less complicated to enter. Understand?

The problem it's that not so many people have the money to go to a private ones, because salaries here are pretty low ($300 per month, doing a 5 years career, it's $18000 More or less, 6000 dollars for you, which is nothing I believe). That's why foreign people (from Chile, Mexico, Germany, Colombia, Spain and so on) come here to study, because (I'm not so sure) we are the only country with public universities and which you don't have to pay except for the books and shit you have to use.

I dropped University (public) because I need to find a job (personal needs and shits going on in my house) but it was a pain in the ass trying to get accepted, in fact not so much (for me) since I studied in another Institute, and because of my high grades and shit, I only had to do one exam, History and Spanish language.
Hope that helps to more or less, understand, Jon.

dorian gray said:
how are argentina's schools funded? what are your taxes like?
@luz, so youre saying University is free? "public" ones at least?

so, what about taxes? do you pay income tax? property tax? sales tax? a combination? for example, here in TN, we dont have a state income tax so we only pay federal income taxes (everyone pays these - it's how we fund our wars) along with the requisite property tax and a high sales tax. there are many other taxes that the average American doesnt take into consideration.
i recently calculated that my wife and i paid over 26000 in taxes last year - not including any sales tax. with that included, i would estimate at least 30,000 in total taxes paid out in one year. why? dont get me started.
american schools just plain suck because their funded by capitalist ideas, unlike many of europes meritocracies (which kicks ass). right now im just taking care of general ed at a community college because i cant get any help financially.....plus i dont know what i want to pursue (well, i know philosophy and art are going to be main points, but i like most fields of science and would like to specialize in them too)
^haha! that quote from un-amped is hilarious. just for the record, no it's not. it varies, like penis length, from person to person. height, body weight, and hormones are factors. who cares about intercourse though? yawn.
i detect sarcasm. i sould have added, "as opposed to oral gratification". every informal poll ive ever conducted with friends (male and female) has ended up with oral over intercourse..... another factor would be that the age group here is most likely having multiple partners and thus using condoms (i sure as hell hope so), which, in my opinion, isnt worth the effort.
^i saw the sienfeld episode recently where george says condoms are for single people. that was classic (as is every single line from every fucking episode).

ps: condoms at least prevent you single dudes from getting something unpleasant.
@dorian: haha, didn't mean to start an argument, more self-deprecating humor than anything :D

well considering that i'm not getting any at the moment, i'll take whatever i can get.

btw all of you tell your moms hi for me.
So I'm thinking of majoring in Physics now. I know it'll be tough, but if I apply myself, I know I can do good. Any words of encouragement..or just comments, for those in a Physics program?

Also, I was wondering, to the posters that live in non-English speaking countries:
How often do your professors/teachers speak in English in class? All the time? Not often?..I know a lot of foreign countries are big on the students learning English, and everyone here that types it, types pretty well.
<crimson> said:
So I'm thinking of majoring in Physics now. I know it'll be tough, but if I apply myself, I know I can do good. Any words of encouragement..or just comments, for those in a Physics program?

Also, I was wondering, to the posters that live in non-English speaking countries:
How often do your professors/teachers speak in English in class? All the time? Not often?..I know a lot of foreign countries are big on the students learning English, and everyone here that types it, types pretty well.
I'm studying civil engineer.
Our professors hardly ever speak English, but our reference books of chemistry and physics are the international versions (in english). You could say we're forced to learn scientific English, and I think that's a good thing.