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Vein-Marbled Tower
May 29, 2008
Berlin, Germany

A doctor's license was revoked Friday in the case of a teenager who planned to have an abortion but instead gave birth to a baby she says was killed when clinic staffers put it into a plastic bag and threw it in the trash.
According to the suit, Williams, then 18, discovered while being treated for a fall that she was 23 weeks pregnant. She went to a clinic to get an abortion on the morning of July 20, 2006, after receiving medication and instructions the previous day.

A clinic co-owner entered the room and used a pair of shears to cut the baby's umbilical cord, the suit said. She "then scooped up the baby and placed the live baby, placenta and afterbirth in a red plastic biohazard bag, which she sealed, and then threw bag and the baby in a trash can."
"The complainant [Williams] observed the baby moving and gasping for air for approximately five minutes," according to a police affidavit requesting a search warrant for the clinic.

How the fuck do you go nearly six months without knowing you're pregnant?
Definitely sad, but why is she seaking damages for the death of the baby when she was having it aborted in the first place?
abortion should be illegal. if not totally then from the 2nd trimester
Definitely sad, but why is she seaking damages for the death of the baby when she was having it aborted in the first place?

Because one is abortion and one is murder. She didn't go to an assisted murder clinic, despite what Dakryn and other opponents of abortion would say.
hmm you're right let's kill all the starving and diseased in africa as well.

no. their right to live is independent of the quality of life they will have.

society must not be allowed to think it's okay to fuck,abort,fuck,abort,fuck,etc. order must be preserved. how about these dumb bitches not get knocked up instead
A baby is technically not a baby or living when it's aborted in the first so there's nothing wrong with it. I could see if it had a brain,body,legs and was kicking in the stomach and than aborted.
hmm you're right let's kill all the starving and diseased in africa as well.

no. their right to live is independent of the quality of life they will have.

society must not be allowed to think it's okay to fuck,abort,fuck,abort,fuck,etc. order must be preserved. how about these dumb bitches not get knocked up instead

I know, I am right.

Also, contraceptives are not always full proof and when a woman gets "knocked up", how is that automatically her fault? It takes two to get the job done.
:rolleyes: I stopped reading at this sentence because your statement here is just totally ridiculous. Would you rather the planet be flooded with children who would not be properly taken care of?

It's technically her fault because is letting someone or others put their dick in her vag without wearing a condom or is not on the pill.
Would you rather the planet be flooded with children who would not be properly taken care of?

You mean like now?

I know, I am right.

Also, contraceptives are not always full proof and when a woman gets "knocked up", how is that automatically her fault? It takes two to get the job done.

They are if you use them properly. If you can't prevent pregnancy with the plethora of birth control products available today then you're retarded. All you are doing is making excuses for people who don't take the proper precautions. Most birth control pills are 99.9% effective. Toss in the use of a condom and you've got maybe a .0000000000000000001% chance of getting pregnant. So your first statement is basically hogwash.
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