Holy Fucking Crap!!

Ecstatic Youth

...playing with fire

Just saw them live and it absolutely blew me away beyond all human possibilities. I can't even put into words how awesome it was. Painful yes...because of huge crush and steel barricades on ribs, but it's all good.

I've always liked Tool, and likes 'em more after the first concert and got some cd's and liked 'em more. So yah, i've always liked Tool, thought they were great.

But this concert....I don't know....something just clicked in my head and I was blown away. The more I think about it and listen to them(as I am now) the more I realize how fucking insanely awesome and mind blowing they are.

I feel like i'm going to turn into one of those rabid Tool fans. And I understand them now. Something that ccould never be described about Tool and why people like them so much I now understand. It's just amazing works of genious. Man, this is crazy how I feel right now. Intense.

Maybe it's just post-concert insanity. But it's different. I know I must be boring you all with this because I know lots of you aren't so fond of Tool. But it's all good.

BTW, darkspot, how did you like the Tool concert you saw? I remember you posted something, but I forget and don't want to go find it. I hope it changed your opinion about them 'cause they are fucking great, even though your mom was there(I remember that much).

Anyway, a little something about the concert or the tour if anyone saw it. When the drummer from Tomahawk came out and played the rotor toms and Mike Patton came out to play the synthesizer thing during Triad, that was one of the most intensely awesome and captivating things I have seen live. Damn. Anyone here ever see that on this tour? Truly marvelous. Not to mention how awesome Aenema was live. Wow.

Okay, I think i'm done ranting about Tool now.
Yes Ecstatic Youth, TOOL is an amazing band live along with A Perfect Circle. To me, TOOL is like the "new" Pink Floyd, or a Pink Floyd for the 2000's. Seeing them live is an emotional experience and a different vibe than say a NEVERMORE concert. NEVERMORE is my favorite band and they're good live, but so is TOOL and A Perfect Circle. It's a different mindset but I can relate to what you are talking about. It's hard to describe but I'll try. NEVERMORE is technical and KICK ASS, where as TOOL is more "Trippy"
Yeah,the Tool concert that I saw was fucking incredible as well.The images and all of the effects they use enhance the awesome quality of their music and I can definatley see how they've gotten so many fans.Before the concert,I was sort of into Tool,I liked the songs "Stinkfist" and "Sober",I had the Aenema cd,which I thought was pretty good.I'd asked some friends and others about Tool concerts and they all said the same thing-"hardcore"...yes,that's definatley what a Tool concert is. Everything about the experience is amazing and I'd love to see them in concert again...but I don't think I'd ever buy a Tool live album;if you're not actually at the concert-especially after you've seen them before-then listening to a live disc is kind of like "cheating"yourself,it's just missing something.
Btw,did Maynard have any long,bizarre,rambiling dialouge between songs?
Oh,Tomahawk is great,too.The drummer's damn good.I kept wondering why Mike had all of that stuff around him-the synthesizers he used to manipulate his voice like that.
ZANEX>>> Describing Tool live as "emotional" is as best I think it could be put in any language. And yes, as much as they don't come close to Pink Floyd in many ways(live show, progressiveness, occasionally the music), yes i'd say they are the closest thing that world will ever get to the "new" Pink Floyd. Well put chumly.

good ol darkspot>>> I think a tool live album would be rediculous. They would never release one, nor would I buy it. Tool is all about being there live. I mean, even if your blind and can't see the amazing show or amazing videos on the screens(as I did not, too sclose to stage...NOT A BAD THING!!!! :grin: ), it's just "different" having the feel and atmosphere around you. Yes, you would be definitely cheating your self out of something......no, more than that.......everything. You'd be sure as fuck cheating yourself out of everything. Maynard didn't say much. He said(and apparently says often, as well as the last timeI saw Tool) something about going home and horny and having sex. He said something about going home after the show, sitting next to a warm fire, writing poetry and having sex...with another or with yourself. As my signature also says, he apologized for his country and asked if they could move to my country(canada).
I thought Tomahawk was.......intersting. Very interesting. Mike patton and the music mostly. th eband doesnt have much stage presence except for the police get-up. :lol: They weren't that great IMO, but not bad either. they sound better on their album and actually kinda good. i DL'ed some stuff. pretty nifty. the song they opened with at my show(and i wouldn't doubt many others) is called Flashback. its good. weird too. check it out.
weird how mike had all that shit and synthesizers. and 2 mic's. he had some cool effect stuff. there was this one where he just puts his hand above it and the sound changes according to how fast he moves his hand up and down and how much he shakes it and what not. pretty cool.
Originally posted by Heavy M
You saw Tool huh......I saw KoRn last night and enjoyed it! :grin:
I foyu're serious about that,then good for you...but if you're not,I don't care.I still want to see Korn live in concert,I'm sure they put on a pretty good show...but not as good as Tool,I bet...that band's concerts are just on a whole different level.

At the show,Tomahawk had a fake deer at the back of the stage. And they also had different colored lights,and when the lights were on the deer was sillohueted(sp?)against the opposite wall...a bit odd,IMO...a fake deer?
Originally posted by dreaming neon darkspot

I foyu're serious about that,then good for you...but if you're not,I don't care.I still want to see Korn live in concert,I'm sure they put on a pretty good show...but not as good as Tool,I bet...that band's concerts are just on a whole different level.

At the show,Tomahawk had a fake deer at the back of the stage. And they also had different colored lights,and when the lights were on the deer was sillohueted(sp?)against the opposite wall...a bit odd,IMO...a fake deer?

I DID see KoRn, and I DID enjoy it. They do put on a good show :)
i saw korn about 4 years ago on the very first family values tour. they fucking sucked hard. really bad setlist too. and this assessment isnt based on my curent dislike for them, i was into some of their stuff back then, and i still thought it was terrible. that show made me quit listening to them altogether.
Come on!!!!!! You compare Korn with Tool? Korn are fake nu-metal wannabies. Tool Is The FUCKING band!!!! They are way too geniuses. You can' put them side by side with Korn. Get a life and most of all learn to listen to music not just here it!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Originally posted by Neonseed
Come on!!!!!! You compare Korn with Tool? Korn are fake nu-metal wannabies. Tool Is The FUCKING band!!!! They are way too geniuses. You can' put them side by side with Korn. Get a life and most of all learn to listen to music not just here it!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I said-
"I'm sure they[Korn]put on a pretty good show...but not as good as Tool,I bet...that band[Tool]'s concerts are just on a whole different level."Not sure if I needed to clear that up for you or what.
Originally posted by Neonseed
I was answering to heavy m

Ooh, realy. Didn´t think that because I didn´t compare Korn with tool. Not musicly or anything. :confused:
And Korn was the first nu-metal band so they tecnicly can´t be nu-metal wannabes.
And there is no reason to argue about if the music is good or not seens everybody have their own taste. I think Korn have many good song (a LOT of bad ones to), Tool I haven´t heard more the like 2 songs from. So that would make it impossible to compare them with Korn like you thought I did...