That really is pretty fucking cool Max. I'm happy for ya and would be fucking ELATED if one of my favorite bands said something as kind about music I made as well. Nothing can beat that, seriously.
MFJ said:
I posted this like five months ago and I'm sure many of you have heard it, but I know for a fact that some of you haven't. This is a rough (sometimes poorly played, no vocals or bass) version of the first EP track "Windhall". I've grown to be pretty proud of this one, have at it!


Held off commenting until I full digested the track, and after several listens, I'm duly impressed. The repeating hook that appears from 2:20 to 2:53 is stunning! Can't wait to hear the finished product, and the EP as a whole. It's unfortunate that Erik's vocals will ruin most of the material, though. :(

circus_brimstone said:
Held off commenting until I full digested the track, and after several listens, I'm duly impressed. The repeating hook that appears from 2:20 to 2:53 is stunning! Can't wait to hear the finished product, and the EP as a whole. It's unfortunate that Erik's vocals will ruin most of the material, though. :(


Thanks a bunch, Jason. Erik's vocals are going to make this release soooo much better than it would be with my own. Since the demo comes first on the CD, you'll sort of notice this as it shifts into "Runedance".

The third song... I don't usually like to boast about my work, but I'm really sort of proud of it. Imagine some sort of Tenhi/Of the Wand and the Moon combination with a fucking fast metal section. It's atmospheric and just... definitely not how I expected this EP to sound. I hope this is all just as good on an actual recording as it is in my head...