Is this really a mars picture ? Looks like having a robot that close to a ravin be very dangerous for the mission ? BTW, just from the first picture, I thought it was a vulva
About pyramid : it's not only they wanted to let a footprint for eternity, it's alsao a pharao had thousands of slaves not complaining and literally dying to do it
About the emergence of similar things all over the world at similar places... Well, it's a common statistical problem that is not necessarily such a surprise. This sort of things happen everytime, and the more brains are thinking, the more it's easy to bet several people in the world can have the same idea in the same time. Is has been noted several time some behaviour or improvement of "knowledge" all over the world in some species as if all of them in a short span did had the same idea. I think it was some sort of insect, but I can't be sure. In the same way two different mathematicians can solve an old problem at the very same time, two civilizations which have no contact can have some sort of same ideas in the same short period of time.
Also, some ideas are pretty straight forward. Being surprised people erect pyramid-like monuments all over the world is thinking too fast imo. If you don't have our today's knowledge in engineering, and if you have the will to create a monument for posterity, what do you do ?
- you naturally feel like you either wanna go towards the ground, or towards the sky.
- if you choose the sky, you wanna build higher. How do you do that ? you put rocks one over the other.
- what if you wanna go higher than a few feet high ? You can't do a vertical line without it being instable.
- what's the solution ? engineers of that time just know as much as we do that if you drop sand somewhere it will do a conical form because it's how it's stable (as stated cyanide, it's all around us, we have always been inspired by nature for everything).
- so you end with a pyramid.
And all that is an universal conclusion, every intelligent human being wanting to build something to the stars would have the chance to have this idea.
And sometimes, we have to rememeber it's also still possible there were some leaks. Humans haven't waited for our era to explore the world, they have always been curious, it's just we have no trace of it. They haven't waited 5000 years to explore their surroundings. It's not impossible to imagine some explorators have found the other civilizations and shared some knowledge (or been tortured in this purpose
), even if it doesn't end in actual exchange because of distance or because they got lost or it's impossible to find the way back through thousands of miles of unkown regions you don't know, or because it's a no return trip. We have to remember how adventurous some people can be. There are humans on islands in the middle of the pacific, which means they got there from the continent, on fucking pieces of wood before they even knew there were isles there, ages ago ! I'd say it's the same as anything else about knowledge : you can't keep ahead for too long cause of leaks, excepted here it's about several civilizations not in contact with each other, which means leaks are rare, but still plausible.
All those things make me believe we have to think of all the plausible explanations before thinking it's a fucking alien who dropped by and said "hello here's how we build a pyramid, now ciao".