So you're not planning on carving the top like on the other one you posted? Cuz that carved top was super boner-inducing, but if this one is gonna stay flat top, that honestly decreases my interest somewhat. Also, are you committed to neck-thru, or do you think you're able to do a set-neck construction? Cuz I can see how neck-thru would be easier, but I prefer a set neck tonally...
Sweet mother, those carving tools look terrifying! Is that brown coloring rust? Tetanus city!
But hey, they certainly get the job done! How come you kept that slight taper under like the first two frets?
What's the shape of the neck?? It looks similar to an Ibanez neck , or is it thicker? It looks awesome either way... and I think that the "volute" which I have never seen before, looks pretty sick.
It's loosely based on some of my Jackson necks, but it's actually a little thinner. The last one I did I left the neck kind of chunky, so I'm making up for it with this one. I want to shred on this guitar.
Alot of hand builders use a volute. They can also be found on several production guitars. My Ibanez bass has one.
I've never heard the term "volute," but I guess that's what I'm talking about, yeah - the hump where the neck meets the headstock I like, and I actually thought all guitars with angled headstocks had that. This is what I was referring to:
The area within the circle looks thinner to me than the rest, and I was just curious what your reasoning for that was.
looks like you did an awesome job... how heavy is it? i got a guitar with a zebrawood body and it's is ridiculously heavy... easily the heaviest guitar i've ever seen. it sounds amazing though. pretty bright, but has this real nice low-mid rumble
what pickups you thinking about?