Home built guitar number 2, a bit of progress

Guitar newbs who've no knowledge of the volute. I laugh in your direction while pointing.

Good shit though man. Its lookin damn nice.
I spent a little time dressing the fret ends, and also making some new templates for the control cavity and cover.


The cavity cover is going to be made out of walnut, here it is being bandsawed out:


Hogging out the cavity with a forstner bit:


Mostly finished control cavity. It's a little shallow now, I will fine tune the depth after the top is carved.


The body wings glued in place. The clamping blocks are made from the scrap offcuts of the body and a little but of cork.


Here it is all glued up. You can see that I've routed the perimeter down to give me a depth for the carving:


Here is the rear view, with the cavity cover in place. Now that it's glued up, I'm going to be doing more shaping of the neck heel.


Next I'll be carving the body. Stay tuned.
This one is for me, but anything I build after this one is for sale. I'll probably be ready to start another project within the next few weeks.

I expect each build will probably take a couple of months, but I'd be willing to take an order at any time. I'd only ask for a deposit which would cover the materials in order to get started. I've got another guitar in mind that I want to build next - but I'd be willing to build a custom model for anybody interested.
Cool man. I'm not sure about seeing the neck through the middle of the body like that. Think I'd prefer a natural finish with a bolt on or set neck.
Somebody help me name these guitars.

I'm looking for a model name, or a theme that can be carried over several different models.

I'm stumping myself. I've been thinking about this for weeks.
Names man, they deserve names ...seriously, nobody remembers the RG555873-K LE

everyone remembers the Kelley, the Explorer, the Warlock

Greek Gods could be cool, or maybe as for themes go with a series name that is based on something cool:

Ancient Greek, Celtic, Norse, etc ...
then just find a cool ass word or name for the model that fits into the theme, maybe even in the actual language like Spioraid had mentioned