House bailout doesn't pass; Shit to hit fan -- News at 11

I honestly don't want it to pass. The economy will fix itself in time, and probably for the better. Yes, people will lose jobs, money, homes, etc. Yes, businesses will close. Chaos leads to creation, ideas, and better ways of doing things.

Burn, baby, burn. Glad I don't own stocks.

Dude, I finally found someone with a gloomier look on things than myself.....

Dude, I finally found someone with a gloomier look on things than myself.....


I guess you could say that, considering if this bailout-the-fucks--that-created-this-mess bill passes, my one year old daughter already owes a shitload of money. I have an idea, how about we take all the millions, the boats, the houses away from these CEOs and use to pay back these loans they seemed so desperate to hand out. It's a start...
I've had good experiences with Bank of America so far. My card number was stolen a month ago and they informed me about it and let me check off all the fraudulent charges, which they fully credited. Then they sent me a new credit card. Easy, quick and painless.

It's also convenient to have both a BoA checking and credit account, since the website keeps track of all my expenses, and I can transfer straight from checking to pay credit card bills. Paperless.
I guess you could say that, considering if this bailout-the-fucks--that-created-this-mess bill passes, my one year old daughter already owes a shitload of money. I have an idea, how about we take all the millions, the boats, the houses away from these CEOs and use to pay back these loans they seemed so desperate to hand out. It's a start...

I'll drink to that....
I heard some interesting talk today on the radio. Saying about how the bailout proposal was never meant to pass. It was just an attempt to get the Republicans to have the majority vote. Then that way when the shit hits the fan, Republicans will take the blame rather then the people actually responsible. Also, it was supposedly an attempt to help get Obama elected because people tend to vote Democrat when the market goes down.

I think there should be no Bail-Out, let the companies fail and go bankrupt and let the economy work itself out. Especially don't give the money to the people who screwed it up in the first place which was intended in the first bailout plan. People need to be more self-reliant and stop looking at the government for hand-outs like its their mom or dad. Either way I see us heading for a Depression, but if we do the bail-out it will only last longer.
^this is all bill clinton's fault. people want to blame bush, the recession isn't his fault. for anyone who doesn't believe me research it. and now our fucking congress won't pass a bill that would significantly help us. why? because it's got bush's name on and they don't want to risk losing votes. it's bull shit

It was due to Nancy Pelosi being a bitch.

Maybe we should stop wasting BILLIONS of dollars on bogus wars.

Blow up a fuckin country and then build it back up. Yeah real brilliant.

Stop sending money to every country in the fuckin world because they are less developed or less fortunate.

Stop trying to feed avery starving child in the world.

And STOP the BILLIONS of dollars that all of the illegals in this country are funneling back to their own countries.
Maybe we should stop wasting BILLIONS of dollars on bogus wars.

Blow up a fuckin country and then build it back up. Yeah real brilliant.

Stop sending money to every country in the fuckin world because they are less developed or less fortunate.

Stop trying to feed avery starving child in the world.

And STOP the BILLIONS of dollars that all of the illegals in this country are funneling back to their own countries.

the war only accounts for 4% of the national budget

i do agree with the funding all of these 3rd and 4th world countries that we get nothing back from especially considering that most of them are in africa. no, that wasn't racist, i do have a valid point... africa is the focal point of the aids epidemic. by giving them more and more money, its allowing them to live an extra few years before aids kills them which gives them more time to have multiple children who are aids positive. all we're doing is giving money to people who are dying

as for the illegals, they all need to go back to mexico
Just how passionate people are about it when their reasoning is complete nonsense. I just noticed how all this talk about martial law to get a new world order has only been talked about regarding the United States. I haven't heard about any other parts of the world (excluding Europe since it's the EU now obviously) discussing anything along the lines of a new world order in their part of the world. It's not even a blip on the radar screen.