I honestly don't want it to pass. The economy will fix itself in time, and probably for the better. Yes, people will lose jobs, money, homes, etc. Yes, businesses will close. Chaos leads to creation, ideas, and better ways of doing things.
Burn, baby, burn. Glad I don't own stocks.
Dude, I finally found someone with a gloomier look on things than myself.....
I have an idea, how about we take all the millions, the boats, the houses away from these CEOs and use to pay back these loans they seemed so desperate to hand out. It's a start...
I guess you could say that, considering if this bailout-the-fucks--that-created-this-mess bill passes, my one year old daughter already owes a shitload of money. I have an idea, how about we take all the millions, the boats, the houses away from these CEOs and use to pay back these loans they seemed so desperate to hand out. It's a start...
^this is all bill clinton's fault. people want to blame bush, the recession isn't his fault. for anyone who doesn't believe me research it. and now our fucking congress won't pass a bill that would significantly help us. why? because it's got bush's name on and they don't want to risk losing votes. it's bull shit
It was due to Nancy Pelosi being a bitch.
Maybe we should stop wasting BILLIONS of dollars on bogus wars.
Blow up a fuckin country and then build it back up. Yeah real brilliant.
Stop sending money to every country in the fuckin world because they are less developed or less fortunate.
Stop trying to feed avery starving child in the world.
And STOP the BILLIONS of dollars that all of the illegals in this country are funneling back to their own countries.
as for the illegals, they all need to go back to mexico
As opposed to the totally legal, original "Hey. We're in your country now, fuck off native americans" settlers?
4% is a tremendous amount of money though.
And how big of a percentage is geared towards the rebuilding?
Another 4%?
It's a joke.