How are you feeling today?


Let me die in solitude...
May 30, 2001
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This is reviving an old thread concept, but really, this isn't about me and what I'm's about you:lol: :lol:

Personally, I'm feeling dazed perplexion, with a hint of melancholia, a dash of sepia-tinted nostalgia, a brooding undercurrent of untraceable angst, and a slight bit unfocused rage. And you?
i just feel tired :zzz:
still have to work on my presentation layout which is VERY boring
Originally posted by warsofwinter
"life's a bitch , life's a whore , nothing less nothing more"

I've had a headache for 2 weeks straight ,, what the hell is wrong with me !

Believe it or not, dehydration is the #1 cause of headaches. Start guzzling water {no caffiene or booze} and see if that helps... :)
one SHOULD drink 2,5 to 3 litres per day. but if i would do that, most of my life would take place on the toilet
I suffer from headache quite often. Reasons are that I don't eat almost anything, I don't sleep enough, I'm stressed...and maybe I've been spending too much time online :loco:
I'm feeling tired though I have no school today. I didn't sleep well :( I have a lot school work do, but somehow I find myself here again...
Lets see. *deep breath*

I'm feeling depressed, I went to the optomotrist and it turns out I'm going to need to get eye surgery, I'm feel like I'm not doing anything constructive, and my skills are being wasted. I feel trapped and caught between two worlds that are alien to me. The hope of some day moving out on my own and living my own life is looking more and more unlikely by the day. :mad:

*another deep breath*

I'm pissed at my family (as usual) and I was recently told that I should do the whole world a service and kill myself immediately...

God damnit! The construction workers are fixing the house next door again... excuse me. ;)

*ten minutes later*

I'm feeling so good right now, Isn't life just wonderful? :loco:
I'm purely stressed!
I feel I won't do anything else but working
for the next three weeks. I won't have a
single day off in ten days :eek:/
I just want to sit back and enjoy this forum
while listening to some great music...
I need to get some sort of structure in my
life going, since this is stressing me out...
Like make a plan on when to go to sleep,
get enough to drink and eat, set off a
couple of hours on this board etc.
So I won't get totally fucked! >:eek:P hehe...
Well my day was going ok till I found out that I lost my keys and I couldn't get into my house. It took like 30 min. for my dad to wake up and let me in :mad: well hopefully I'll find them tomarrow.

I have a lot of stupid people that I work with because I need to go back to the states sometime this month so I ask someone who I need to talk to to get the time off and it seems like everyone has a different answer. wtf???? I mean am I the only one that has ever needed time off? I don't fucking think so!!!!! So I ask the guy who's suppost to make out our scedual (spelling?, sorry I'm tired) and he said that he could do it but it turns out that a different manager can make me work someplace else if she feels like it. Man there are some stupid people in the world.

If I had a bullet I'd show them!