how come i never see you guys in any other forums?

:( I guess I won't buy my camera and get a mac this summer :grin:

*realizes it's a joke*

AhFHH fuck yuou
UndoControl said:
Yo el 11 de mayo.

Ya, lastima, esperaba que fueras Geminis :erk: pero bueno q importa.

True, people shouldn't mock cultures and just "Accept the Fact" :) that there are differences. Period.

@Rammpeth: En Guadalupe.
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
Ya, lastima, esperaba que fueras Geminis :erk: pero bueno q importa.

True, people shouldn't mock cultures and just "Accept the Fact" :) that there are differences. Period.

@Rammpeth: En Guadalupe.

Yo en rohrmorser, pero no conozco nadie mas que le cuadre dark tranquillity.
I know a lot of people who cant stand mexicans
Well, youve managed 3 years, Im beginning to think about leaving after one. The same reasons. I hope I didnt piss you off too much. But that bit about fading out silently and gracefully was cheesy as hell. :p Have some good times!

that's why i for one mostly post useless crap, like in the NP thread or similar -just because almost everything else has been said in the past. once this forum was important to me as well, and i thought i needed to leave for some time - but that always depends on what you are expecting from it. right now i don't expect anything besides wasting some time on the net, and that's ok for me. but if you really try to get something out of the forum, or want to give good input, you sooner or later will see that this just can't go on infinetely.
and it won't get better by changing the forum you're in, because you probably don't want to start at point zero.

edit: shit, almost five years...
^, ^^, ^^^ that's more or less the way i feel too.

some people who have taken over the forum annoy me too much and their views are all over the place. i'd be fine with that, if only there were more counter-arguments and less sucking-up. i'd much rather read something that expands my views than something that narrows them down and pisses me off. at this point i feel that this forum is harming me, not only by being a real waste of time (which i've never felt for this forum before), but also because it's a bowl of ugly, stupid ideas and broken english.
i guess i'm rather masochistic as well for sticking around, but this place will always be special for me. 4.5 years are a long time after all.

i guess at some point we have to let things go, especially if we have better things to do..
I guess it depends on what you expect. I dont expect anyone to give me a completely new idea on life or anything, it's just entertainment, and does its job damn well. I come here a few times a day and stay for about 10min, more if there's something funny or interesting going on.
So either way, I win :)
Siren said:
some people who have taken over the forum annoy me too much and their views are all over the place. i'd be fine with that, if only there were more counter-arguments and less sucking-up. i'd much rather read something that expands my views than something that narrows them down and pisses me off. at this point i feel that this forum is harming me, not only by being a real waste of time (which i've never felt for this forum before), but also because it's a bowl of ugly, stupid ideas and broken english.
i guess i'm rather masochistic as well for sticking around, but this place will always be special for me. i guess at some point we have to let things go, especially if we have better things to do..

My words in a nutshell. Lets start our own forum and enlighten each other. :)
rahvin said:
would you like some pineapple?
yes, thank you. i'm in love with pineapple.

marduk1507 said:
Lets start our own forum and enlighten each other. :)
You dirty mind, you. :p

@Taliesin: the answer to your question lies in my previous post.
Im afraid I still dont fully understand, but then again, we may just see the board as something different and I fail to put myself in your shoes

For what it's worth, Im gonna stick around to see a certain story play out. Im not gonna miss THAT, Hell no Im not :grin: