how come i never see you guys in any other forums?

I've been here a short time and my interest will probably wane within the coming months. I can understand some of the vets not liking it anymore, but then again, you've been here for almost five years. Were you really all the different than the "newbies" when you first joined?
Zack said:
I've been here a short time and my interest will probably wane within the coming months. I can understand some of the vets not liking it anymore, but then again, you've been here for almost five years. Were you really all the different than the "newbies" when you first joined?
Wise words.

So how shall we communicate? Come on, Zack, you know i'd turn gay for you. I don't want to lose you. ;)
Zack said:
Were you really all the different than the "newbies" when you first joined?
I can speak for myself (and probably for many other 'vets' as well), and the answer is... "yes. from some current newbies, yes."
At least i was rather careful in how much i posted, what i posted and the english i used (my english was not and is not perfect, but at least i give great care in trying to be correct). I entered an already existing community and tried to become a member of it, not impose myself all over it.

Taliesin said:
Im afraid I still dont fully understand, but then again, we may just see the board as something different and I fail to put myself in your shoes
Ok, i'll try to break it down for you a bit.
a) It's harmful when one has more urgent/important things to do and they make the poor choice to spend their time here.
b) My brain is often like a sponge. Exposing myself too much to bad english and stupid people is bound to take its toll on me. So i will just choose some better exposure instead.
Siren said:
I can speak for myself (and probably for many other 'vets' as well), and the answer is... "yes. from some current newbies, yes."
At least i was rather careful in how much i posted, what i posted and the english i used (my english was not and is not perfect, but at least i give great care in trying to be correct). I entered an already existing community and tried to become a member of it, not impose myself all over it.

But a forum can't only have serious discussions. It is, above all, a public place where one could find people who share similarity with him/her. Then he/her hopes to spend time communicating with these people and enjoys the time he/her actually participate in the existing discussions or create new ones. And music is a very good mirror on one's personality. So one has more chance to find people who shares common point of view in music forums.

And post counts are irrelevant. Since they do not reflect the quality of the posts.
Siren said:
impose myself all over it.

Is this something I'm guilty of?

My main point was it's natural to go "crazy" your first few years on a forum because it's new and exciting, but eventually that will go away and you will start to hate the place. Also, I find myself wanting to delete the person above me thread and Q and A thread, because most of it is spam. Then I thought how I was when I first joined and realized those are the easiest places to feel "welcomed" and get direct interaction with the users.
Zack said:
I can understand some of the vets not liking it anymore, but then again, you've been here for almost five years.

In case of some of us and if you count the two previous DT-forums, it's been something like 8 years. Not that it really matters, though.

Anyways, in my mind change is better than stagnation. This forum feels now much different than what it was two years ago, and that's good. Some old people leave, some newbies come along and everyone changes through time. I will always miss the good old times and some good old people, but in any kind of society change is always necessary.

Siren said:
^, ^^, ^^^ that's more or less the way i feel too.

some people who have taken over the forum annoy me too much and their views are all over the place. i'd be fine with that, if only there were more counter-arguments and less sucking-up. i'd much rather read something that expands my views than something that narrows them down and pisses me off. at this point i feel that this forum is harming me, not only by being a real waste of time (which i've never felt for this forum before), but also because it's a bowl of ugly, stupid ideas and broken english.
i guess i'm rather masochistic as well for sticking around, but this place will always be special for me. 4.5 years are a long time after all.

i guess at some point we have to let things go, especially if we have better things to do..

same for me.
i've had problems writing here for ages now (surely months, probably at least a year) and when i do i write crap, and why? because the..err..environment changed a lot, i can't really enjoy it like in the past and i don't feel like spending much time writing down what i think knowing it really won't matter at all. not that i'm a hilgenius and i speak teh bubu truth, just what i really liked here was the chance to discuss thoughts and opinions, getting many points of view, and now it doesn't seem possible.
it's depressing, especially since there are some people i really like and admire too, and since i grew up on here, like a lot of other people i suppose: in 3, 4 or more years people change and i'd be happy to still have a place to discuss in here.
But you can still talk as seriously as you want. Personally, I'd listen and give my piece of opinion. Just because there are a few random chatting threads doesn't mean that the people here have turn into little kids who knows nothing but playing. How can you change society by inaction? How can you fight inaction with inaction? Speak up, and you shall be heard, no matter the place, no matter the time. I really don't think that DT forum members have turned into hippies, not that I know what it was before. And even if you write crap, write it. Let the reader decide if it's crap or not. A writer should not let his principles changed by the environment, in fact no one should. You can adapt, but you need not to change yourself completely.
but the environment is fundamental (am i just making up words?) and you can't just talk if you don't feel somehow interested, motivated and if topics don't feel sort of "challenging" to you (really, i'm sorry, my english is taking some hard hits lately).
Your english is just fine. Well, for me, the person I'm talking to is more important than the subject itself. Since you can come up with subjects, but you cannot decide if the one you're talking to will actually understand what you're talking about and has a say of his own.
6 Stringed Fingers said:
Your english is just fine. Well, for me, the person I'm talking to is more important than the subject itself. Since you can come up with subjects, but you cannot decide if the one you're talking to will actually understand what you're talking about and has a say of his own.

i agree that the person is more important that the subject in a certain way.

but you can know if the other will understand, it doesn't take much.
Siren said:
I can speak for myself (and probably for many other 'vets' as well), and the answer is... "yes. from some current newbies, yes."
At least i was rather careful in how much i posted, what i posted and the english i used (my english was not and is not perfect, but at least i give great care in trying to be correct). I entered an already existing community and tried to become a member of it, not impose myself all over it.

I have only been here for almost a year, but I agree with you. I feel that the forum has changed a lot since the beginning I joined it... Now I just feel like some people talk a lot but do not post interessting stuff, and everytime I stay a few days without checking the forum, there is tons of uninterestind to read. I feel ok that there is a random chat thread, but it also seems to me that almost every thread is being kind of spamed with random chat.
I do not think every thread here is uninteresting, sometimes also there are funny moments :)

But, as Taliesin said:

Im gonna stick around to see a certain story play out. Im not gonna miss THAT, Hell no Im not
There is so much about a given band that can be said.
And i honestly dont know what was so interesting before that isnt here anymore (i know im new here but ive been lurking this forum for more than you can think). And yes it is probably very sad but theres just no point in complaning about it, its better off if you just tell the mod to lock some threads up and restric the off topics you do not wish to read.