How did you discover Seventh Wonder?

Luke Fagwalker

New Metal Member
Mar 3, 2011
Hmm, I don´t know if there already have been a thread on this topic but I checked a few pages back and could not find anyone so if there has been it was a long time ago.

I think it would be interesting to see how we all discovered Seventh wonder, because because finding such a fantastic band among all the other "smaller bands" would be like finding a needle in a haystack.

I discovered Seventh wonder when I scrolled thorough all the bands who were going to play at Sweden Rock Festival 2009 and I noticed a small band called Seventh Wonder, they kind of looked like any other band but what caught my eyes was that they were a progressive metal band, from Sweden. I went to their myspace page and listen to some of their songs and I really liked them. So I downloaded Mercy Falls... (don´t worry I bought it from the band after their gig at Sweden Rock) and was completely stunned. hearing the good songs from their myspace page in their full context was amazing and I listened to the album several times every day until I saw them on Sweden Rock (mixed with Become and Waiting in the winds which I also downloaded but bought on the same time I bought Mercy falls). I also showed them to my prog metal fans friends and they were as amazed as I.

So actually I was quite lucky (or blessed) to just stumble over Seventh wonder and I cant imagine what my life would be like if I hadn´t checked their myspace after I saw them on the band list.
No worries at all ;) !

Always a pleasure 'meeting' new people on the forum :wave:.
I was reading a post on the A7X. Someone was complaining about Mike Portnoy being released. A contributor said. "If you like Dream Theater, Check out Seventh Wonder."

That dude was so right.
I don't remember his name, however That guy knows his music.
Welcome, TJWilcox!

Do you know all 4 albums (or the last 3 with Tommy) by now or are you still in 'discovering-mode'?
Like all the music I listen to, my boyfriend show me the light!!! :lol:

He told me about a group, that he was sure I would like and so it is...
Like many bands, I discovered SW by going through one of the local record/cd stores by looking for something that really hits the eye. Either its a CD Cover that somehow appeals to me or a band name that makes me curious.

That way I also discovered bands like MINDS EYE, also one of my favourites and totally underrated.

Me hearing SW for the first time was with the "Mercy Falls" album. After that I checked out their previous albums. For me this band was love on first sight. With so many Progressive bands its really hard to find bands that don't sound like Dream Theater all the way (nothing against DT of course, I love them!).

MINDS EYE had their absolutely brilliant unique sound, and then there came SW to my collection. To say I know the songs pretty much by heart would be an understatement. :headbang:

Especially the latest Album "The Great Escape" is yet another masterpiece of this very unique band with more than a ton potential. When I first saw the "Alley Cat" Video on Youtube I read comments like "Backstreet Boys of Metal" and I had to laugh my a** off how someone can make such a stupid comment. Obviously that guy had no idea of music whatsoever.:bah:

Today I read the first time about the leaving of the previous SW Drummer and the announcement of the new one. I wasn't in this forum for ages so I really did miss that part. Very sorry to hear that. Their previous drummer i really loved from the "Making of Mercy Falls" Video. A really funny guy and amazing drummer. I just hope the new guy can not only keep up with the drum style of SW but also make a so nice impression as a person.

Seems 2010 was the year of the leaving Drummers. Mike Portnoy, and here Johnny.

Anyways, before I bore you guys too much with my post here ;) , I wish you all the best and hope that SW will last as long as possible and continue making such wonderful music, which couldn't be more melodic as it already is. ;)


What my thread wasn't good enough?:fu:(and by the way, anyone else think that emote looks like Mallow from Super Mario RPG?)


I read comments like "Backstreet Boys of Metal" and I had to laugh my a** off how someone can make such a stupid comment. Obviously that guy had no idea of music whatsoever.:bah:

I've heard that a few times before too. Oh well, if they don't like it, then I say the less morons who comprise their fanbase the better off we'll all be.
What my thread wasn't good enough?:fu:(and by the way, anyone else think that emote looks like Mallow from Super Mario RPG?)


I've heard that a few times before too. Oh well, if they don't like it, then I say the less morons who comprise their fanbase the better off we'll all be.

I´ve never heard this. :yow: It is incredible that someone could say so stupid things when speaks.
This is my first post and this particular thread seems a good place to start.

I'm 35, married, with five kids, and have always been a big fan of music, although classical and rock (in it's many variations) have tended to be the tops on my list. I was a big fan of the 80s glam metal scene (the music over the look), and as it petered out with the grunge-revolution, I slowly phased out of following that type of music.

Then I met a friend from Church, ironically enough, who told me about Dream Theater. I would think any self-respecting rock/metal fan would be embarrassed to admit not knowing them, but somehow they slipped my radar completely. I borrowed some of his CDs and realized I have missed out on a lot of great music -- some of which was exactly what I was looking for.

My next step was to start building my collection again. I think I did a search for "sounds like Dream Theater or Vanden Plas" and Seventh Wonder was listed. I happened to start with "Mercy Falls" and was blown away. Musically they were Dream Theater-esque, yet I felt that all of the band members had a chance to shine (unlike some of the later Dream Theater albums, where I feel some of that collective-ness was lost). Then the vocals really blew me away. It was something outside of the vocalists I had been hearing -- almost a pop-sensibility that fit so perfectly in the context of the band.

I got "Waiting In the Wings" next, and then I got "The Great Escape" that I am absolutely loving.

Is the first album worth getting for something other than just completing the collection to date?
I discovered Seventh Wonder on the Symphony X forum. I'm a huge SyX fan and was looking for similar
bands. What a pleasant surprise! Seventh Wonder are OUTSTANDING.


This was the exact same way I discovered Seventh Wonder. Somebody posted Taint The Sky on the Symphony X forum sometime between September and November I think. I really liked the song, but then when I heard the bass solo, I fell in love with the song. It was just so cool! I bought WITW as soon as I could, and got Mercy Falls not too long after. Thanks for the great music!
Great to see some new names again. Welcome, Monafam and donKyle!

....yet I felt that all of the band members had a chance to shine (unlike some of the later Dream Theater albums, where I feel some of that collective-ness was lost). Then the vocals really blew me away. It was something outside of the vocalists I had been hearing -- almost a pop-sensibility that fit so perfectly in the context of the band...

Yes indeed :headbang::headbang: !!

....Is the first album worth getting for something other than just completing the collection to date?

Check it out and decide for yourself by listening to the compilation-promo of 'Become' (the first 17 seconds should sound familiar though :D, a little mistake from the person who uploaded the video):

... I bought WITW as soon as I could, and got Mercy Falls not too long after...

Do you have 'The Great Escape' as well? If not, go get it fast.. ;)
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Funny how there are absolutely no rhtyhtm guitars on that album. Keyboard and bass all over the place.

Hmmm -would it be worth it doing a proper re-mix? I don't know, probably not since it is so badly played anyway (although a few nice riffs/melodies here and there)....

And boy was this a weird compilation... No choruses, almost only losely picked break passages from different parts of the songs.

The few parts I actually enjoy on that album include:
-The chorus of What I've become
-Like him (the key/git thing)
-The Damned -most of the song actually
Honorable mentions:
-The break in Blinding my eyes
-parts of Day by day (the bass work in general and Johan's lead)