How Did You Discover Symphony X???

I was thinking about this concept today on the way home from school while I was listening to Adagio, and I realized that this theory completely disproves reality as we know it.


Adagio's a great band. I love Introitus, Solvet Saeclum In Fadilla.
Actually, I think my sig proves that assuming false things can have disastrous consequences.
For example, assuming Black Eyed Peas is better-than-worthless-crap music can lead a person to a life of ignorance, far away from the deep truths that lie within progressive metal lyrics. It will probably also completely destroy that person's personality and moral values, along with the slightest hint of interest in music that is played by talented people.

Can you tell I don't like Black Eyed Peas?
Well I kind of like all those ridde-like math thingys like 0.99999 = 1 and the stuff in your signature etc, but what sucks is that most of them are just based on faulty equations and then it gets boring.

Who are Black Eyed Peas?
claudeRichard: Why do you have to limit yourself to real numbers? I see no reason why it wouldn't work for any complex number.

Adagio's a great band. I love Introitus, Solvet Saeclum In Fadilla.
Actually, I think my sig proves that assuming false things can have disastrous consequences.
Actually, I was listening to Next Profundis at the moment, but the reason it disproves reality is because:

All life functions on the many laws and derived branches of Physics.
Physics is all about Math.
If your theory proved correct, then theoretically, all real numbers would equal eachother, which means that the Math in Physics wouldn't work, and since literally everything in the universe depends on Physics, it wouldn't work, and eventually, the entire universe would just become nothingness, just like what would've happened had Matt Damon and Ben Aflack walked through the arches at St. Michael's Church.
:heh: Now I know what it feels like to hold the key to total destruction!!

Claude: gimme all your money!
store clerk: why would i do that? you don't have a gun.
Claude: no, but I have a very special calculator!
store clerk: oh yeah? what's so special about it?
Claude: I can program it to believe that 0/0=1!
store clerk: NO! NOT THAT!
Claude: now hand me the money, nice and easy..
store clerk: go ahead, program it. you don't have the guts to eliminate the universe!
Claude: oh yeah? The universe is pointless anyways! *programs the calculator*
store clerk: no! NO! AAAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGHHH!!!!
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No, because complex numbers includes imaginary numbers.
So the store clerk and I and every other lifeform, along with our imaginations, our spirits, the whole continuum of space-time, and all other potential realities, disappeared into nothingness, never to exist again.

claudeRichard said:
:heh: Now I know what it feels like to hold the key to total destruction!!

Claude: gimme all your money!
store clerk: why would i do that? you don't have a gun.
Claude: no, but I have a very special calculator!
store clerk: oh yeah? what's so special about it?
Claude: I can program it to believe that 0/0=1!
store clerk: NO! NOT THAT!
Claude: now hand me the money, nice and easy..
store clerk: go ahead, program it. you don't have the guts to eliminate the universe!
Claude: oh yeah? The universe is pointless anyways! *programs the calculator*
store clerk: no! NO! AAAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGHHH!!!!

you're a total lunatic.. i like it.. :notworthy

EDIT: you may or may not be showing signs of lunacy based on this one post, of which i've no grounds to make a generalized statement about said lunacy based on not having read every other previous post you have ever made.
Beelz wrote

poor beelz....thats the maths geeks equivalent you sleep on your stomach?no? well do you mind if i do?

:lol: I have more!!!

"Hey...nice asymptote."

"I don't know if you're in my range, but I'd sure like to take you home to my domain."

"I'll take you to your limit if you show me your end behavior."

I wish I were an integral, so I could be the space under your curves.

Hey, baby want to Squeeze my Theorem while I poly your nomial?

being without you is like being a metric space in which exists a cauchy sequence that does not converge

can i explore your mean value?

Since distance equals velocity x time, let's let velocity and time approach infinity, because I want to go all the way with you.

i = Ø when i am not with you

my love for you is a monotonically increasing unbounded function

You are the solution to my homogeneous system of linear equations.

What's your favorite linear transformation?

Your beauty defies real and complex analysis.

i wish i were a derivative so i could lie tangent to your curves.

i'll take you to the limit as x approaches infinity.

Come on baby, let's off to a decimal place i know of and i'll take you to the limit.

let's take each other to the limit to see if we converge

let me integrate our curves so that i can increase our volume

if i were a function you would be my asymptote - i always tend towards you.

your beauty cannot be spanned by a finite basis of vectors.

my love is like an exponential curve. it's unbounded

my love for you is like a fractal - it goes on forever.

my love for you is like the derivative of a concave up function because it is always increasing. we're going to assume this concave up function resembles x^2 so that slopes is actually increasing.

you and i add up better than a riemann sum

i hope you know set theory because i want to intersect and union you

you've got more curves than a triple integral

i wish i was your problem set, because then i'd be really hard, and you'd be doing me on the desk.

i'm not being obtuse, but you're acute girl.

you fascinate me more than the fundamental theorem of calculus

ok, well this isn't a math pick up line per se..your mama's so fat she has a proper subgroup isomorphic to herself

your mama's easier than finding a trivial solution.

Let me differentiate your curves.

Let me spin you around my axis and find your volume.

We're a continuous match, because our curves connect and are never non-differentiable.

We can integrate better, if we rearrange our parts.

Let's work together to prove the Squeeze Theorem.

Let's strip down the situation to find the boundary conditions.

If we were to integrate, what would be our domain?

Let's make our limits infinite..., I always wanted to be improper.

I swear, I didn't make any of these up!

EDIT: This is my 1337th post! I expect my second rep box by tomorrow morning :D