How Did You First Hear About Anathema?

Me mate from school was gonna join and play bass so i went to see them in the first national in town. I borrowed a metallica cap from macca and pulled me pony tail out the back of it. The support acts were aggression and some other band whos bass player introduced me to the 'stage face' i.e. a face somebody pulls cause theyre embarrassed and aware of a roomfull of people staring at them, this guys 'stage face' was amazing - he was rolling his eyes up and pulling silly mouths. I can see it now more than ten years on ...
My first time was when we went to see Moonspell in Ghent. We were a bit late and only heard the last song: 'a dying wish'...
Was so impressed I bought alternative4 (and all others).
Never missed a gig in Belgium since (except one).
In '96 I saw the ''Mine is Yours" video and not being used to that kind of doomy music, I hated it... then 2 years later A4 came out and the Greek Metal Hammer hailed it! It won "album of the year'' and so I tought "this must be good". But I was very afraid cause I thought it was gonna be like that horrible song I had heard in '96!
I was wrong. A4 remains the best piece of music I've ever experienced! Later on in '99 I bought Eternity (and loved it), then Judgement came out ( I remember phoning every day before it was released to find out when it was coming).........
Now I have all their official releases and I really like the "Mine is Yours" song!
And to tell you something else, I dunno if Anathema are me fave band (old Sabbath probably are that band), but their music is like a gift for me. I owe much to some songs in many different ways. It's not just music..... It's much more than that.....

*stops because if he goes on he will turn out as the cheesier poster ever*
Originally posted by sol83
In '96 I saw the ''Mine is Yours" video and not being used to that kind of doomy music, I hated it... then 2 years later A4 came out and the Greek Metal Hammer hailed it! It won "album of the year'' and so I tought "this must be good". But I was very afraid cause I thought it was gonna be like that horrible song I had heard in '96!
I was wrong. A4 remains the best piece of music I've ever experienced! Later on in '99 I bought Eternity (and loved it), then Judgement came out ( I remember phoning every day before it was released to find out when it was coming).........
Now I have all their official releases and I really like the "Mine is Yours" song!
And to tell you something else, I dunno if Anathema are me fave band (old Sabbath probably are that band), but their music is like a gift for me. I owe much to some songs in many different ways. It's not just music..... It's much more than that.....

*stops because if he goes on he will turn out as the cheesier poster ever*

:) Hey, that's almost the same story as mine! Except hat i bought judgement first and eternity after! Don't tell me that you saw the ''my mind is yours'' first time on that Metal Invader's video-compilation video tape???
Originally posted by sol83
In '96 I saw the ''Mine is Yours" video and not being used to that kind of doomy music, I hated it... then 2 years later A4 came out and the Greek Metal Hammer hailed it! It won "album of the year'' and so I tought "this must be good". But I was very afraid cause I thought it was gonna be like that horrible song I had heard in '96!
I was wrong. A4 remains the best piece of music I've ever experienced! Later on in '99 I bought Eternity (and loved it), then Judgement came out ( I remember phoning every day before it was released to find out when it was coming).........
Now I have all their official releases and I really like the "Mine is Yours" song!
And to tell you something else, I dunno if Anathema are me fave band (old Sabbath probably are that band), but their music is like a gift for me. I owe much to some songs in many different ways. It's not just music..... It's much more than that.....

*stops because if he goes on he will turn out as the cheesier poster ever*

..Exactly, you see if you start hearing Anathema's songs like from Mine Is yours, it gives you a very different impression than if you follow their music since The Crestfallen, Serenades or Pentecost III, including the Mine Is Yours track, in fact in my humble opinion:o I think that Eternity, Alt4 And Judgement were a big transition in their style, meaning there is a clear difference between Judgement and The Silent Enigma, but nevertheless I also think they have never disappointed their fans [me personnally] and no matter the style of their songs they managed to keep us close to the music and kind of in the same atmosphere... ;) ;) Keep up the good work guys!!!!:lol:
Originally posted by Strangelight
I saw them when they were called Pagan Angel on Halloween one year. I drank two bottles of cider and puked up outside. All night this lad was telling me how shit they were. A few years later he told me that he shouldve joined instead of me and that him and his dad wanted to shoot me with shotguns:rolleyes:
Back then they were the hardest working band in Liverpool and one of the few that played loads of their own stuff and not just Metallica covers etc.. I bought a live tape that was dead good and the second demo was well good. I remember Jamie used to come to my house to teach me his bass lines. 11 years later I was teaching him mine:spin: Its a funny old game eh Greavsie

shit, thats really sweet, dunc!!
i had borrowed alternative 4 from a friend. together with a friend, one earphone in my ear and the other one in her ear, we started listening..."shroud of false"...

when that 1 and a half minute intro was over, we were paralyzed. my life has never been the same since then! a definite milestone!
the very first song i heard was judgement, I really love that song. Then I decided to listen all the tracks in the album, i was amazed. I was wondering if other anathema albums had the same style, a friend of mine (anathema fan) told me that every anathema album has its own unique style. So I started listening to Alternative 4 and the Silent Enigma :)
Originally posted by LostLenore
My first time was when we went to see Moonspell in Ghent. We were a bit late and only heard the last song: 'a dying wish'...
Was so impressed I bought alternative4 (and all others).
Never missed a gig in Belgium since (except one).

surely it wasnt 'alma matter'?its moonspell's dying wish!

anyway i heard fragile dreams first,found it simply ok at start...but the revelation came after listening to sleepless(of dazza).it was late january this year...always a bit late! didnt know them well when they came to greece,jan 24 i think:mad:
I saw them at the marque supporting cathedral just before the silent enigma came out. After that I bought all the releases and saw them twice more touring the silent enigma.
I didnt really enjoy eternity at the time or the accompaning live shows at the time, but I really got back into anathema in 99 when I bought judgement and alt 4 on a whim.

first time I heard about anathema was in '92 or '93... I was listening to a local metal radio show done by some friends of mine. At the time i hated metal with grawls and all the songs they played on their show were like that... and then they played Sleepless... i knew insantly that was a great song played by a great band... I got Serenades soon after that together with Lost's Gothic and Bride's Swans and regarded meself an atmosperic doom metalhead...
It is worthmentioning that most of me mated that dag this music loved Lost and Bride more than anathema :cry: ... I was the only one that always loved anathema most..:grin:
Yeah! It was "Sleepless" for me too!

At that time it was the only song that i liked from Anathema.
And after years it was until i heard Alt. 4 that i rediscover Anathema, i started then to listen again to their back catalog!

Still Alt 4 is my favorite CD, and "Lost Control" is the best song made by Anathema

There was a pale part of my wall and I asked my friend to give me a good poster. She gave me the one from the current Metal Hammer. It was a poster of Anathema and I thought it was nice hehe ;)

Then I went to a shop and brought the Eternity cassette.
From the first time I knew i will like their music.
first thing I heard of Anathema was Serenades , a cd my daughter had bought

it was J'ai fait une promesse that drew my attention but lateron I got to love the whole record
I friend of mine is real fanatic about then so he gave me a tape with like a collection of anathema and I love it .....
then start to get their me the best ones is silent enigma ( perfect ) and alternative 4

but I dont like their latest albun .......found a lilte to depressive with no agressive riffs..........