How Did You First Hear About Anathema?

I'm just discovering Anathema, only know a few songs.
Some months ago, when I was in a depressing mood, I was surfing through the Audiogalaxy forum (R.I.P.), there was a threat "The sadest songs I ever heard..." and there has been mentioned some Anathema songs, I loaded them down (Regret, lost control and some other) and I like them, perfect music for dark hours.
Now I want to buy my first album, what would you recommend to me to start with?
The first time I paid attention to the name 'Anathema' was in finnish rock magazine Rumba. Alternative 4 got 10/10 in a review and the way the reviewer ms. Kiiski described the record was very tempting though I didn't buy it.

When the Judgement got similar review I made my mate to buy it. (Why I didn't buy it myself was becuz i was into geeky pop and proper headbanging a'la Napalm Death and I thought that Anathema were sort of hybrid between My Dying Pride and melodic metal which i hate.)Apparently Anathema were something else and after a gig in Ilosaarirock I bought the Judgement myself.
Originally posted by Yara
I'm just discovering Anathema, only know a few songs.
Some months ago, when I was in a depressing mood, I was surfing through the Audiogalaxy forum (R.I.P.), there was a threat "The sadest songs I ever heard..." and there has been mentioned some Anathema songs, I loaded them down (Regret, lost control and some other) and I like them, perfect music for dark hours.
Now I want to buy my first album, what would you recommend to me to start with?

Always the same: Alternative 4, and certainly if you like regret and Lost Control! these are 2 songs from that album! Great songs!!! Go for it! A lot of others on Alt4 are in the same mood.
I was at my best friend's (at that time :( ) house and I saw a tape with some metal songs. That was a surprise to me as she wasn't listening at that stuff at all. She told me that a boy that was in love with her wrote her that tape. Anyway, the first song there was "shroud of false" and the second "fragile dreams". I asked her to lend me that tape as she wasn't listening it and she did. That was it... For a couple of weeks theese 2 songs were the only thing I was listening to. I loved them so I went to buy "alternative 4". At that time I was in a really shity situation so that album fitted perfectly...For about half a year it was the only thing I was listening to and I still believe that if it wasn't that album I wouldn't be alive now... :cry: After that I bought some other albums and since last January that I saw Anathema live they became my favourite band and now I have all of their albums...:grin:
I boutght Silent Enigma used about 1-2 years ago on a whim and thought the music was great but Vinny's vocals sucked! I had all but written them off until I was thumbing through some back issues of Metal Maniacs earlier this year, and came upon the review for Judgement and how brilliant it was. That peaked my curiosity so I went that week and picked it up. Needless to say the result was 10 times better than my expectations!! With the exception of the Resonance albums, I've bought all post-Silent Enigma albums and love the hell out of them all!!:grin:
i agree with forlon hip-hop, i like the way he moans on the title track as if he wanted a toy and him parents wouldn't buy it to him :lol:
I got a poster of the album Eternity as a present from my kid sister..then I heard Serenades at a party...about week after I accidently found Eternity and bought it for no reason (expect that I had liked Serenades...) and I loved it and still do...
It all started when a good childhood mate literally threw alternative4 on me face:eek: he said:"listen to this,you will love it".it was in 1999.
he was the same who introduced me to Amorhis,the gathering,sentenced,rotting christ etc
he knew i was a fucking emotional intellectuall all the way,so he chose the right influences for me,har har:P
until that time,i was listening to britpop stuff mostly,but always had the tendency for darker stuff(hehe),as i loved Nick Cave,the cure and Tindersticks and of course the mighty IRON MAIDEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!

When i listened to Shroud of false,i felt all disarmed of any badness or fakeness,any mask i used to wear...for the first time in my life*mellow shit*i heard someone whispering the ever repeating story of mankind in me so young,coward ears...
Empty came as a shock,as never before had i experienced such a storm of original feelings...slay you without any pity and you just cannot move.
Regret gave a feeling of transparency,i felt that i was made of glass and people could see everything about me,through me,that i was totally vulnerable.the cruel finger of fate upon me.
i cried rivers over Lost Control,the story of your life in a couple of lines...(whatever life,better or worse,from the point that you have taken the right pill you are condemned to see...).
With Destiny,my soul was sold...

Then came judgement (i adore this one),eternity and silent enigma and all the*brilliant*rest.
Still the Dying Wish and Eternity part I are my favourite Anathema songs(and all time favourites along with Smashing Pumpkins' "Disarm"),the feeling is always the same,been torn to pieces,chaos,no return.

p.s.if you think im cheesy,i write you on my imaginary balls.M!
A friend of mine [let's call him idhem] wouldn't want to leave me in peace until i give a try to anathema.
I listened to it, again and again, and finally came to the conclusion that at least i liked 2 or 3 songs really. but not enough to make a fuss about it to be honest.
i am trapped now :cry: ; idhem abduct me to anathema gigs, obliges me to write in the anathema forum, and i even got to know the evil anathema lads :o
oh yeah and he forces me to watch sick pictures but that's not the point here
idhem leave me in peace now will you :mad:
In a galaxy far away, years and years ago,... some friends took me to an Anathema gig in Ghent, checking dates it must have been one of the Eternity tour I guess, (ermm... honestly I didn't want to go) I never expected I'd like it, but after that gig, I was very silent (yeah, always been kind of an enigma :p)... and even... impressed. :eek:
A friend of mine said he heard Anathema for the first time when he was coming back home at night, and the neighbours were listening to A Dying Wish so loud that he could'nt sleep, so it was stuck in his head and he decided to find out more 'bout the Band..heh:D:D