How difficult can it be to become the US president?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Imagine if you ran for president with the following agenda:

-- National healthcare for all citizens (just like other western civilizations have managed to accomplish) with the option of paying for private medicare. Last year only 1 in 6 US citizens had insurance. jeebus.

-- Undergraduate university fees covered (where grants are available for living expenses). If fees have to be paid, they should be massively subsidized and need only to be repaid 5 years after graduation.

-- Environment. Do something about it. Ask Al Gore for a "to do" list.

-- Military. Cut and Run. Defend the homeland at home.

-- ATM fees. I mean, come on, this is a total rip off. You have to pay to use an ATM. wtf.

-- Tax. Leave it as is. I don't mind paying 27% per annum if I can get all the above.

Can I count on your vote? :loco:
sadly, while I'm much more strongly in favour of the top four as "necessary" and the last one as "optional", the last one is probably the only one that will realistically happen.

EDIT: the ATM fees are optional, and *might* happen
JayKeeley said:
Oh yeah, also the introduction of a TV "watershed" meaning: no more blurring out boobies or bleeping out swear words after 9pm.
and this is where all red states vote against you = instant lose
better luck next time

why do you hate america
Erik said:
and this is where all red states vote against you = instant lose
better luck next time

Well, if it were a real agenda, I wouldn't include it. I'd also sit on the fence about abortion, gun control, and gay marriage....and all those other matters which get the farmers and polygamists all crazed.

why do you hate america

because it isn't sweden
while we're in never never land, lets
--recognize and apologize for 60 years of antidemocratic postwar foreign policy in mexico, haiti, dominican republic, guatemala, nicaragua, costa rica, panama, colombia, venezuela, guyana, peru, ecuador, chile, brazil, libya, chad, zaire, south africa, ecuatorial guinea, angola, rwanda, israel, iraq, iran, afghanistan, pakistan, albania, bulgaria, yugoslavia, greece, italy, france...*wheeze*...thailand, laos, vietnam, cambodia, indonesia, east timor, south korea...ET CETERA
--stop using depleted uranium and cluster bombs, weapons known to cause heinous environmental damage and civilian casualties years after their initial use
--stop torturing prisoners of war, stop exporting prisoners of war to be tortured, and stop supporting oppressive regimes that (among other things) torture political prisoners and other dissidents
--stop using imf/world bank and other forms of economic extortion to exploit developing nations at their people's expense and force their leaders to toe the US political line
--stop letting corporate interests dictate things like environmental policy, healthcare policy, energy policy, FDA regulatory policy, who the president is
--fuck it, just eviscerate world capitalism

and holding some non-fraudulent elections maybe would be nice

and people ask me why i'm so cynical
Erik said:
and this is where all red states vote against you = instant lose
better luck next time

why do you hate america
why do you understand this better than half of america...on second thought that's not a very hard question is it :cry:
I'd vote for you just for promising to do away with ATM fees...that's always been a pet peeve with me. If this country had any common sense any idiot could win on Jay or Cthulhu's platform, but as long as people continue to ignore the abuses of power and let corporate overlords suck the economy dry nothing will ever change here...
Krigloch the Incredible Bulk said:
we need extremely bad things to happen before it gets any better.
you mean like things got better after 9/11

though maybe you mean "extremely bad" on the scale of global thermonuclear war, in which case i'd agree
Erik said:
you mean like things got better after 9/11

though maybe you mean "extremely bad" on the scale of global thermonuclear war, in which case i'd agree

na, 9/11 wasnt shit. Im talking something extreme... the whole nuclear thing scares me though
Krigloch the Incredible Bulk said:
we need extremely bad things to happen before it gets any better.
you mean like


no tragedy there, my friend :rolleyes:
Krigloch the Incredible Bulk said:
we need extremely bad things to happen before it gets any better.

Before what gets better? This is as good as its going to get. Are you dillusioned to think that a utopian society could ever come to be? If such a society were possible, it would offer no place for 26 year old dungeon and dragon fanatics. Drink my kool-aid.
Reign in Acai said:
Before what gets better? This is as good as its going to get. Are you dillusioned to think that a utopian society could ever come to be? If such a society were possible, it would offer no place for 26 year old dungeon and dragon fanatics. Drink my kool-aid.

nihilism ftw
Reign in Acai said:
Before what gets better? This is as good as its going to get. Are you dillusioned to think that a utopian society could ever come to be? If such a society were possible, it would offer no place for 25 year old dungeon and dragon fanatics. Drink my kool-aid.
