How easily do you get drunk?

I find that cause i smoke lots of weed when i drink that there's a constant power struggle between the beer and smoke,alot of the time i'll feel this piss a bit but the dope always seems to leave me in a kinda limbo between the two and it's not uncommon for me to just say fuck it and go to bed
Another, how many of you drink but don't smoke? I don't smoke at all because i can't stand them but I love to drink. Does drinking have a link to smoking? Some of my friends say i get drunk slowly because I don't smoke. I don't think so it's true though since his claim has no basis.
I love pot and beer but i think the secret,especially when drinking(i'm a reformed cigarette smoker)is to limit yourself otherwise it takes away the delicious drunk feeling and leaves you feeling like shit a bit depending on the quality, although i think i just love the sensation of smoking bongs when drunk no matter what the weed's like,most of the time i still enjoy myself though but herb definately makes it harder to get pissed
I get drunk easily when I'm feeling worn out & tired, which lately is most of the time. I've become 'that passed out guy' at many a party in the last year or so.
It's illegal here too, but that doesn't stop anyone.
Pot to me is good in just a group of a few, because you can sit and have an intellectual conversation with someone about stuff you would never think about otherwise. If there's more than 3 people, though, or you're in a party atmosphere, it just ruins it imo.

Also, I get tested at work randomly, so that kills it too.

edit: DAMMIT!! double ninja'd
5-7 drinks is usually a nice amount for me. That varies depending on how strong a beer, or drink is, etc., but I generally won't have trouble finishing off a six pack in a night if I'm intent on it. Drinking does not generally make me tired.

There are plenty of times where I don't drink with the purpose of getting more than a little buzz, so 2-3 beers or a glass of whisky is fine.

I never smoke anything, so I can't comment on any correlating factors with drinking. There are plenty of obvious reasons why smoking is not as good though.
Well, I realise that alcohol's better for parties. It has a well-deserved reputation for making people more outgoing and talkative. I thought maybe you had some other reason for saying it's better than weed.

Nah, other than that it makes me tired faster. I would smoke more, but like I said I get tested, so I've just grown more fond of alcohol.
Pot to me is good in just a group of a few, because you can sit and have an intellectual conversation with someone about stuff you would never think about otherwise.

I live in a shared house where almost everyone aside from me and my girlfriend is a pothead so I've witnessed many of those discussions. I think it's pretty safe to say they only appear intellectual to other people who are also high.