How easily do you get drunk?

I live in a shared house where almost everyone aside from me and my girlfriend is a pothead so I've witnessed many of those discussions. I think it's pretty safe to say they only appear intellectual to other people who are also high.

Oh man.. :lol: :lol:

My Dad used to smoke, seriously. He quited when i entered Middle School.
To sit and listen to music when high to me is what smoking's all about,it's not much good for being in a social environment but that is the way i've been for fifteen years or more and is also probably the reason why i have a massive music collection and not too many friends,but i knew the consequences and in general i don't like too many people
I get drunk really easy, I drink maybe half the amount of my friends and still am on the same level. When for some reason I need to hold the same pace as them (drinking game or whatever) I usually totally lose it and throw up, etc. :p
Depends what I'm drinking.
I seem to take a while to process it, so if I drink loads really fast it'll take an hour to hit me and then I don't remember the night. Which is how like it.

Sadly, I will now be completely sober until August. ;<
Beer usually makes me tired and sometimes sick (if I've had too much). However, hard liquor doesn't affect me in that way.
Beer makes me need to piss a lot, which is really annoying and also leads to me pissing on stuff that isn't the toilet when I'm completely smashed, so i tend to drink spirits. it doesn't take too much to get me drunk, I'm somewhere in the middle. Sometimes I'd like to be really lightweight, it'd be cheaper that way.
At least 5 drinks will get me to the promised land. But I'll be buzzed after 2.

What usually happens is I have a glass of wine or two with dinner, then a little later, pour a couple shots of hard liquor into my evening coffee. That usually gets me heavily buzzed.

I've gauged the growth of my tolerance over the years, and it's been steadily increasing despite the relative infrequency of my drinking. I owe that to genetics, since my father and his brothers have very high tolerances.
Spirits get me totally hammered within an hour, no matter how little I drink, but it's generally extremely unpleasant and I always get a raging hangover.
I can drink a shitload of wine and beer and have a clear head the next morning, but oddly I always remember what happened when I was drunk. Which is sometimes embarassing.
At least I don't turn violent when I'm drunk.
Neither do I. Drinking makes me happy, not violent. To answer the question, I don't think I get drunk easily, but I drink only beer.
I never really drank before I turned 21, and so now that I do drink I'm a fairly cheap date. Six or seven beers will usually do the job for me. That doesn't get me black out, forget everything drunk, mind you, but it gets me drunk enough so that I can't really think straight, control what I say or move well. Like Zephyrus, though, I can "feel it" after mere two or three drinks (depending on various things). Not drunk, but lightly buzzed enough so that I would not feel comfortable driving.

I don't drink liquor.
My grandfather was an alcoholic
My dad can drink almost an entire bottle of Jack by himself on a Sunday
My parents own over 300 bottles of wine

You can tell where I'm going with this
If I'm drinking normal (4%) beer then can pretty much go all day drinking without getting that bad. Weee. ;<