How easily do you get drunk?

My father is a wine connoisseur, so he always knows the best wine to go with his cooking. But it's basically red wine with red meat and white wine with fish and seafood.
Tr00. Wine shouldn't really be drunk without food, it just seems... wrong. I only ever drink cheap red if I'm partaking of the grape juice of win when I'm not eating.
My tolerance is pretty high at the moment because I drink for the taste of the beer or whiskey, so I'll have one or two a night, then on the weekends I'll have a bit more.

I actually despise getting drunk. I don't like to be dizzy or not in control of my body.
Good beer is much more cost effective than good wine, and it is often more accessible. Nec, I don't know what beers you've had, but if your only recollection of them is "piss water"; you're not drinking beer. Beer Advocate is a good place to start your research if you want to know what's good. You can start small (with the "B rated" beers) and work your way up if you find that it's something you're interested in...that way, you don't end up spending a lot of money on something you just don't care for, and you gain a more refined appreciation for those $10 bottles of beer (should you decide to pursue it).
I've never taken more than a few sips of a beer at a time. I've tried several different beers, and they all taste like shit. I don't care enough to actually look for $5 a bottle beers that doesn't actually taste like piss water though, so I don't really give a fuck, and the idea of getting drunk doesn't particularly appeal to me either. So somebody send me some good beers to try. For free, of course.

Do you like chocolate or the taste of coffee? If so, try a Young's Double Chocolate Stout

If you like more fruits, try Anchor's Liberty Ale.

I'd also suggest drinking your beer cold at first to get used to it. In the two beers above, I cannot taste the alcohol in them, and I drink them at about 45-50 for Youngs, and 50 or so for the Liberty Ale. If you drink them around 32, you'll probably not taste any alcohol, but you would be losing out on some of the 'hidden' flavours.
Wine is the drink of choice when I'm with people willing to listen to Black metal. However, it's hard to fine anything other than box wine considering i'm 17.

edit: But wine is by far the best tasting alcohol, even though Beer is my favorite

Actually, mixed drinks are the best tasting alcohol.

Vodka and lemonade FTW.
Jim Bean and Dr. Pepper is a personal favorite mixed drink. PGA and lemon gatorade is nice too.
I now work at a pub, and 90% of the customers are 28 or older, and watching them progressivly get drunk is hilarious; they also always talk about work.