How familiar are you with your own music collection?


Jan 16, 2007
Arizona, USA
I used to get a couple of albums (yes vinyl) a month or so, and I would get totally immersed in them, reading the inserts and lyrics and junk. This still held true when CDs came out, and for a while after that. But at some point through used CD shops and trading and eBay, I began to collect music at a much faster rate. Yeah, this seems "better", but I ended up owning a ton of CDs which I never really evaluated. I guess it has somewhat to do with being a grown up and having limited listening time. I don't really listen at home a lot, cause my wife is not into most of the stuff I like. Also, I have always had a tape player in my car, so I have to make a tape before I can listen in the car.

I have over 750 metal CDs, then a bunch of cassettes and then some non-metal CDs.

I would say I am VERY familiar with probably only 25% of my collection. Somewhat familiar (listened to at least a handful of times and know I like) with maybe another 50%, and probably totally unfamiliar (listened to from zero to maybe two times) with the remaining 1/4 of the music I own. That's a rough estimate...and a sad statement IMO.

How about you?
i'm very familiar with my collection. though i do have to admit, there are always a couple cds that i dont remember. its bound to happen when youve got 350+ cds.

i usually listen to everything on shuffle, so i get to hear all my albums at some point
I used to get a couple of albums (yes vinyl) a month or so, and I would get totally immersed in them, reading the inserts and lyrics and junk. This still held true when CDs came out, and for a while after that. But at some point through used CD shops and trading and eBay, I began to collect music at a much faster rate. Yeah, this seems "better", but I ended up owning a ton of CDs which I never really evaluated. I guess it has somewhat to do with being a grown up and having limited listening time. I don't really listen at home a lot, cause my wife is not into most of the stuff I like. Also, I have always had a tape player in my car, so I have to make a tape before I can listen in the car.

I would say I am VERY familiar with probably only 25% of my collection. Somewhat familiar (listened to at least a handful of times and know I like) with maybe another 50%, and probably totally unfamiliar (listened to from zero to maybe two times) with the remaining 1/4 of the music I own. That's a rough estimate...and a sad statement IMO.

EDIT: I forgot to say I have over 750 metal CDs, then a bunch of cassettes and then some non-metal CDs.

How about you?
Dude, I am just like you. Even the percentages. Sometimes I think, I got so much music (which I do like; it's not like I don't like these albums and avoid them, I just have no time for them), I should just stop getting new music for a half a year or so. But metal is so big, and so many awesome bands to explore, and I can't help myself.

What ends up happening is only the very best make it, and "good" or even "great" don't get that much playing time. Guess it's survival of the fittest in my music library.

By the way, Sceptic - Blind Existence is a great album, good taste man. How amazing is Painful Silence? It's actually one of my favorite songs of all time. If you want something similar to it, listen to Sinners Bleed - Invisible Knowledge.

Dude, I am just like you. Even the percentages. Sometimes I think, I got so much music (which I do like; it's not like I don't like these albums and avoid them, I just have no time for them), I should just stop getting new music for a half a year or so. But metal is so big, and so many awesome bands to explore, and I can't help myself.

What ends up happening is only the very best make it, and "good" or even "great" don't get that much playing time. Guess it's survival of the fittest in my music library.

By the way, Sceptic - Blind Existence is a great album, good taste man. How amazing is Painful Silence? It's actually one of my favorite songs of all time. If you want something similar to it, listen to Sinners Bleed - Invisible Knowledge.


I hear you, man. Sometimes I feel bad about getting rid of stuff that I know has potential to be enjoyable, but it's just not hitting me and I don't have time, patience or space to keep trying. I am making an effort to listen to all my undecided CDs to weed out the weak, so to speak, but it takes a lot of time. I will probably eventually put up a trade list in the trade forum.

I have thought about just not buying anything for a while too, but like you said, there is so much out there and I don't want to miss anything, or miss the opportunity to obtain something that may be hard to find later if I don't get it now.

Yeah, that whole Sceptic album just rules! Thanks for the recommendation. I will look into that.

Yep, this all sounds familiar. I hardly ever listen to records anymore, and the new finds usually get played in the car a few times until I enter them into the computer (I keep a simple database) and put them on the shelf. I should listen to music more often but most free time at home is spent playing instruments, and it's getting harder to listen to music at work all the time.
I blame the internet and message boards! Before You had to look more to find good releases. So when you found one you were listening to it a lot reading everything in the you can come here request bands that sounds like XXXX and you have 92873 bands to check after that. Then you use ebay and stuff like that to order 10 cd which you barely listen before buy 10 others...

I think I have around 300 cd or so...I'm familiar with most of my collection but there's things that I bought and while they're good I don't listen to it nearly enough.
My collection is only about 200 albums so far. Over 150 are CD's, the rest I ripped from cookiecutter and another friend of mine. I'm quite familiar with most of my collection, and as a control freak I keep my collection neatly organized so I never lose track of anything.
I blame the internet and message boards! Before You had to look more to find good releases. So when you found one you were listening to it a lot reading everything in the you can come here request bands that sounds like XXXX and you have 92873 bands to check after that. Then you use ebay and stuff like that to order 10 cd which you barely listen before buy 10 others...

Yeah, I know it has done that for/to me.
Familiar with all of them. Discovering how great an album really is 6 months later for instance is gold. Lots of times I will dismiss the album thinking there is only 1-2 good tracks and months later it ends up being my favorite. Id say only 10% of them Im not familiar with only cause I think its shit.
Im 20 now and I have bought a cd everyweek or two since I was 14, I have around 250 now. I listen to all but about 10% on a regular basis. The 10% I don't listen to much is stuff by shittier bands I got for free or bought at pawnshops for around $3 a cd, bullshit like Lamb of God or Shadows Fall, I like maybe 1-3 tracks on those cds.
My collection is only about 200 albums so far. Over 150 are CD's, the rest I ripped from cookiecutter and another friend of mine. I'm quite familiar with most of my collection, and as a control freak I keep my collection neatly organized so I never lose track of anything.


I keep a few cds with my all the time.
Now I'll count my Metal CD's, I only have about 20 Metal CD's, I don't buy as much as a lot of you on this forum do, I buy every month or so, about everytime I go to the Mall. I've bought 4 CD's so far this year.
Deicide-The Stench of Redemption
Vital Remains-Icons of Evil
Satyricon-Now, Diabolical
Six Feet Under-Maximum Violence
I woulda had another one but listening to Deicide kept me busy for 2 months, I loved that CD. :)
But I'll probably get Nile-Ityllphallic next month or August for my birthday. And I plan on making a black metal order around October and November, getting me some old Satyricon and old Darkthrone. :)
About a month ago I decided that I was going to listen to my entire music collection in order from A to Z since there is so much shit I have purchased but only listened to once or twice. I've found I like a lot more shit now that I've done it. I am on Megadeth right now.
Owning 300 cds is too much. I only buy and KEEP stuff i'll listen to regularly. If I don't touch it for several months, i'll re-evaluate and then if it doesn't pass, sell it. So i'm always familiar with my collection