How important are critic's opinions to you?

I agree. For exaple, I'm listening to Angel Dust right now, and Bravewords recently published a negative review of their latet. However, the title track is now available on Century Media and it kicks ass. I know it's just one song, but it fits in well with the idea of not dismissing music based solely on critical opinion.
Originally posted by Sullen Jester
Generally, critics are close-minded arseholes, that think music has to suit THEM.

Well no fucking shit. Are they supposed to guess what suits you?

It's incredible to me that many of you are claiming to not read reviews... so you're not finding out how music is heard from different perspectives. That's very, very sad.

The best reviewers can tell me more than the actual CD itself.
Originally posted by Jim LotFP

Well no fucking shit. Are they supposed to guess what suits you?

It's incredible to me that many of you are claiming to not read reviews... so you're not finding out how music is heard from different perspectives. That's very, very sad.

The best reviewers can tell me more than the actual CD itself.

I honestly don't read reviews. I learn about my music from listening to the college metal shows, internet metal stations, etc.

My personal reasons for not reading reviews - movies, music, etc., is that I know that my tastes are my own. I think the radio and now the internet gives me the opportunity to explore much more varied styles of music than I can possibly read up on. My own ear can decide better than reading a review - because IMO a reviewers comments are more likely than not tainted with their own opinion. I say that only because I feel it is really difficult to be openly objective about something without letting your own feelings interfere. Musical interpretation is too subjective.

Without the internet - I may be more inclined to look for reviews - but my ears do a good job, and there are decent genrefied stations for me to choose from and hear new bands.