If Emperor were called "Dogballs Alpha", but their music, cover art, and lyrics were exactly the same, would people still percieve them in the same way? [And yes, I include the albums before Prometheus ]
Also, what about awkward sounding East European names, like Drudkh or Negura Bunget? Does this add to the 'mysticism' surrounding the band? And if so, have bands caught on, now purposely going for the weirdest sounding name possible, even if their music is simply derivative?
Survey: If you see a list of unknown bands in a catalog, do your eyes tend to focus in on the 'weirder' sounding names? I wonder if it [inadvertently] doubles as a good marketing tool to attract new fans.
Also, what about awkward sounding East European names, like Drudkh or Negura Bunget? Does this add to the 'mysticism' surrounding the band? And if so, have bands caught on, now purposely going for the weirdest sounding name possible, even if their music is simply derivative?
Survey: If you see a list of unknown bands in a catalog, do your eyes tend to focus in on the 'weirder' sounding names? I wonder if it [inadvertently] doubles as a good marketing tool to attract new fans.