How Long Is Yours?

I have kind of crazy, semi-curly, really thick hair, that kind of rests just above my shoulders, but when it's straight or wet or something it goes past them and further down my back.
Mines down to my waist.
I'll post a better pic later, you can barely see in this one so dark


YAY to Jen's butt pics, more please.

I used to have wicked long hair, one length down to my waist. After I decided to take my extended break from the band thing, I got rid of the long hair. I will probably not go back at any point.

Oh, did I mention I need more pics of Jen's ass?
YAY to Jen's butt pics, more please.

I used to have wicked long hair, one length down to my waist. After I decided to take my extended break from the band thing, I got rid of the long hair. I will probably not go back at any point.

Oh, did I mention I need more pics of Jen's ass?
you boys are making me blush.

How bout some Dan butt pics?
This pic is over a year old and the second one is a bit more recent, but they're the best I can find from work. My hair is significantly longer now. Maybe I'll take a new pic tonight. I knew I wouldn't be able to resist this thread haha.


I think we're neck and neck there Kev.

Gorgeous hair btw. :rock:
More like waist and waist ;)

You know... judging by your pic (which is pretty hot, btw!) it looks longer than mine does in my pics, but it's longer now. I usually have to pull it out of my pants when I put them on in the morning heh.

I think yours may still be a little bit longer than mine.
YEAH, but (and I can only talk for myself here) huggable chicks are muuuuuch preferable to toned hussies. Plus you have great taste in music, so I'm sold.
I wouldn't have noticed your arms had you not said anything. And they're not even that big to begin with.