How Long Is Yours?

Karen your hair is perfect. Long straight and black :) (er.. was black hehe)
Is that your bag, too? My favorite color ;)
I dyed it black on October 31st again
yes, its my precious hang bag too

*sits near*
What a perfect day for that! My heart breathes a little small sigh of relief at this news :) *makes room*

Yes James... purple and black are PERFECT together in a dark yet not gloomy or dreary way.
What a perfect day for that! My heart breathes a little small sigh of relief at this news :) *makes room*

Yes James... purple and black are PERFECT together in a dark yet not gloomy or dreary way.

hahaha, you thought I'll become a blonde?!?!?! ;)

I love Black and Purple... and black and red is my alll time favorite..

BTW James: royalty is actually purple, gold and burgundy.
Black and purple normally associates with wisdom, power, mystery, mystic, elegance etc....
Jee, can you tell I go to art school? :goggly:
hahaha, you thought I'll become a blonde?!?!?! ;)

I love Black and Purple... and black and red is my alll time favorite..

BTW James: royalty is actually purple, gold and burgundy.
Black and purple normally associates with wisdom, power, mystery, mystic, elegance etc....
Jee, can you tell I go to art school? :goggly:

Yes your hair is gorgeous Karen!

Black and red are my fave also. Actually that's what color my hair is. I always wanted to dye my whole head black, but I'm a natural red head, so I couldn't get away with it, so I do the bottom layers black and the top dark red.