How mad do you turn into on Opeth concert?!

my neck was pretty sore from headbanging last time I saw Opeth live. I have a bad habit of wacking people in the face with my hair when I fling it back too hard. Oddly enough, I almost never headbang outside of metal shows.

I remember the one time when my friends dragged me to some horrific pop-punk show, Yellocard, I think. We were packed like sardines. There was a bunch of really fat chicks with tank tops. If you got shoved up against one of them, you'd be able to see the indent of your hand in the fat of their sweaty back, which was incredibly disgusting. It was so tight that I could wedge between several people and stay upright with out my feet touching the ground. I've never had anything like that happen at a metal show...
you should stand completely still and listen with your eyes shut, and start picturing yourself in intimate relations with mike.

stupid thread.. who the fuck cares what you do? you think mikes gonna say "shit guys settle down, this is an opeth concert not goddamn 50 cent"
you should stand completely still and listen with your eyes shut, and start picturing yourself in intimate relations with mike.

stupid thread.. who the fuck cares what you do? you think mikes gonna say "shit guys settle down, this is an opeth concert not goddamn 50 cent"

Having a bad day??
I got mad at the two assholes behind me at Gigantour, older guys about my age, who obviously thought that Opeth wasn't heavy enough for them. They were calling them wannabees and what not. I told them to take a fucking hike and go express your displeasure somewhere else, and they moved.
I got mad at the two assholes behind me at Gigantour, older guys about my age, who obviously thought that Opeth wasn't heavy enough for them. They were calling them wannabees and what not. I told them to take a fucking hike and go express your displeasure somewhere else, and they moved.

yeah i hate it when ppl do that... and... older guys your age?:erk:
People who mosh at Opeth concerts are stupid. The only acceptable times to mosh are during the outro of Deliverance and most of Demon of the Fall. Other than that, you should just stand there, take in the phenominal noises and visions, and occasionally ogle the tits of the 16-yr old girl on your left.

My experience exactly. Only instead of Demon it was Leper Affinity.