How many people have ever been punched right in the fucking face?

Pitiless Wanderer

Active Member
Jun 14, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
I got punched in my face last night for the first time in my life. I was downtown with friends drunk at a bar, and when we left, a punk kid bumped my shoulder so I told him not to fucking bump into me, and his only reaction was to hit me square in the face and knock my ass to the ground, lol. I got up because it din't hurt, but was pissed because when i went down I broke one of my sandals. I was fucking around trying to fix it and the kid hit my buddy, who took the punch with ease and stepped toward the kid, who hit my buddy again, and again he took it and then the kid and his other buddy left.

I was and still am in shock because it happened so fast. The kid had to have been on drugs or something. All I remember were his big ugly bug eyes.

Ever been hit in the fucking face?
I've been punched a fair number of times, most notably by some Turkish guy in Paris.
I was punched in the jaw really hard once and went down. I have had a few people want to fight me.

I've been thrown into a brick wall also.
I've never been punched in the face/punched someone else in the face.

Most of my bodily damage to myself has been done by myself (bike accident which led to knocking four teeth out of my mouth, spraining my arm while running, falling on a stage prop and cutting my chin open, etc...)
I kicked a boy in the balls when I was eight. He wouldn't let me go down the slide at the playground.

But other than that, I have never been punched in the face, nor have I thrown punches. Don't want to, either.
Yes. I got in a big fight once on the way home from a party. A person from my school was drunk and decided to try to drive home but I had his keys. He punched me right in the nose, but then I beat the living shit out of him. Then I got my ass kicked by his friends and then my buddies took me home. Overall it was pretty awesome.
Yeah, getting the shit beat out of you is an interesting experience. Last time I was punched in the face (about 50 times mind you), I stopped feeling it after 10 seconds. Of course, I ended up with a tear in my temple, but hey, that just means I have a kick ass scar :lol:
I was at this party. A guy named Skull. Everybody was getting fucked up. Somebody said there was some guys outside. I went out. There were these two guys from another neighborhood. I asked 'em what they were doing there. They knew somebody. One of 'em was a big guy. Real drunk. He said they wanted to go., but something about twenty dollars. I told him to give me the twenty dollars, but he didn't have it. I started hitting him. But when I hit him, it never seemed to be hard, ya know? I hit him a lot in the chest and face but it didn't seem to do nothing. I had him over a car hood. His friend wanted to take him away. I said okay. They started to go down the block. And they started to fight. So I ran after them. I hit on the little guy a minute, and then I started working on the big guy again. Everybody just watched. I hit him as hard as I could for about ten minutes. It never seemed like enough. Then I looked at his face... His teeth were all broken. He fell down. I stomped on his fuckin chest and I heard something break. I grabbed him under the arms and pushed him over a little fence. Into somebody's driveway. Somebody pointed to some guy and said he had the twenty dollars. I kicked him in the nuts. He went right off the ground. Then I left.
I can't say I've really ever received anything major, at worst I got was a solid kick to the face after I had threw the guy down and landed a few shots. I've only been in two fights in early highschool. Both of which I won, but they were only minor scraps, and nothing serious. I have no desire to fight, and I certainly don't want to mess up my face! :)

I like watching boxing and mma, but generally I really dislike unorganized and unprofessional fighting, assaults and other stupid acts. Highschool was fairly bad for that, and of course there wasn't anything worse than the senseless hordes of people yelling "pussy!" ..."fuck him up!"
when i was much younger i used to fight a lot but as you get older the thrill tends to disappear. it also hurts more.
Yeah I have. Back in 1992. I wasn't 6'3" yet :lol:

Seriously though - it's a really wierd experience, copping one in the face. Everything you look at distorts. And there's that odd ringing sound...
people look at you differently after youve laid someone out too, 'specially if it was with one punch
Only really been hit in the face during judo competitions and that should be by accident.
Punched my friend in the face cause he told me too, then he was surprised when it actually hurt.
Got into lots of little scrapes but never anything serious and more often than not, the guys weren't actually trying to hurt me much.